✦ After Care ✦

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he can murder me any day 😍😍😍

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he can murder me any day 😍😍😍

also, after care as in cleaning his wounds dirty minded people 


Late at night, but still the same day

(Y/n Hargreeves)

I haven't been on missions in so long, let along hurt anyone, that Five shoving a dull dessert knife in a man's neck, who mind you, was also holding a gun, awakened some trauma in me. Thanks dad!

The injured man shot his gun without properly aiming it which hit his friend, making him drop to the floor. Rooky mistake.

I gagged as the light began to flicker from the shell of the bullet. Great. Now I have to kick some ass and ruin my 20/20 vision. Great coffee break, Five.

I sucked in some energy from the flickering light before it completely went out, and shot it at a man who was facing his gun towards Five's head. I winced as he was completely beheaded. His head evaporated. Um... that's new.

"Hey, assholes!" Five shouted from a counter. He laid sideways on it and smiled at the criminals. I sighed. Always showing off.

When they started to shoot, Five had abandoned his original place. Another dude realized that I was just standing there and decided to turn his attention to me.

He pointed the gun at me, but Five spacial jumped next to him with a mop that was split in half, stabbing him with it.

I grabbed the dead man's gun and smiled widely at the sight. I looked at Five who gave me a stern expression. I ignored it and turned to one of the men, firing without hesitation.

It shot him several times in the stomach before I ran out of bullets. I groaned and threw the gun to the ground. I may have been slightly overkill, but I haven't murdered anyone in a while. I deserve it. 

"You had your fun. Now, get behind the counter." Five ordered.

"Hell no!" I giggled. He grit his teeth before going back to one of our last victims. He choked him out with his necktie, suffocating him. The man died instantly.

As he did so, he grabbed a pencil just laying there and stabbed him right in the balls. Then, once again in the eye as it splattered everywhere.

"Oh... yuck." I murmured in disgust. Don't recommend murdering people to anyone. Too messy.

A plate was suddenly thrown in the air and hit a man in the head. Two men started to stand up, injured but persistent to kill us. I threw the rest of my hot chocolate at the one on the left which burned his face, causing him to scream and clench his eyes shut. 

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