🪡 Mission Buddy 🪡

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(Ben Hargreeves)
FYI, these are all different memories


"Each of you will have a so called 'mission buddy.' You will look out for this person on missions and make sure you both come home alive and in one piece." I shuddered at the though of dying.

"To start, Number One will be with Number Seven." Marcus and Christopher looked at each other. Marcus gave him a simple nod, and Christopher hummed.

"Number Four will be with Number Six." Alphonso and Jayme looked at each other with wide smiles. The two of them have always been close. They exchanged high-fives.

"Number Three will be with Number Five." Fei and Sloane looked at each other with surprised expressions.

They don't talk much, so I'm sure neither of them are over the moon about this arrangement.

I looked around at the groups when I realized there was one person left besides me.

"And finally, Number Two and Number Eight." I looked over at Y/n. She glanced at me for a moment before looking away.

Well, shit. No one wants to be with Y/n. She's not rude or weird or anything, she's just so quiet. I don't think I've ever heard her voice before. 

No one talks to her except for Sloane. And even then, Y/n never answers Sloane. She just listens.

"Training will begin after breakfast. Go get changed." Reginald demanded. Everyone began to leave. "Number Two. A word please." I looked back at Reginald and sighed.

I was left alone with Reginald after everyone left to go get changed. What he has to tell me, I have no clue.

"Yes?" I stood right in front of Reginald.

"I chose you to be with Number Eight for a special reason. I adopted her especially for something that I am afraid I can't reveal just yet. She can not die." Reginald informed me. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"So you're saying you trust me the most?" My lips turned upwards into a small smile.

"Number One only cares for himself as does Number Three. Number Four and Number Six joke around a considerable amount. Number Five cracks under pressure, and Number Seven is a floating box." Reginald pointed out. I chuckled.

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