👥 Family Meeting 👥

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(Five Hargreeves)

"Y'all know, Jello-O used to be a delicacy." Elliot handed us a disgusting bowl of slop. I winced.

"You know, in order to make it, you gotta boil down a whole mess of hooves... you know, horses, cows, pigs, it doesn't matter. But not everyone has a mess of hooves just lying around. It wasn't until, uh... a couple of sassy New Yorkers figured out how to dry it out so that the rest of us could have a... a chance to enjoy this ambrosia." Jeez, he talks a lot.

"If we have some, will you shut up?"

"Maybe." Elliot picked up a spoon and plopped a big, white, chunky piece of jello into a bowl. "Here."

"How you feeling?" Luther asked Vanya who was sitting on the couch.

"Pretty shitty, to be honest." Vanya sighed out.

"Where would you say you are on a scale from one to... ending all life on this planet?" Diego asked Vanya as he played with his knife, flipping it.


"Diego, put the knife away, you idiot. She's fine."

"The last time I saw this one, she had me suspended midair, sucking the life out of me with energy tentacles. I think I'm allowed time to process." Diego snarled.

"Oh, I would love to see an energy tentacle." Elliot smiled with fascination written across his face.

"I don't remember what I did, but I'm sorry... if... if that means anything." Vanya apologized as she fidgeted with her fingers and averted her gaze.

"It does." Diego sighed. "Just going through a lot right now. There's this... girl that I like. I thought she liked me, but turns out that she's..." The door opened and I heard laughter from downstairs.

"Oh, thank God." Luther stood up. Vanya and I left Diego to his sappy self.

"Is anyone here? Hello?" Allison's voice echoed off the walls.

"Le petit mort, le petit mort." I heard Klaus' voice downstairs. The three of us looked over the railing. Diego quickly followed.

"What? You don't speak French." Allison murmured.

"It's 'the little death.'" Klaus explained. There was more chatter before they looked up and noticed us. We walked down the stairs.

My Guilty Pleasure (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now