☂️ Prequel ☂️

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October 1st, 2002

"Hurry up!" I giggled through a whisper while I grabbed Five by his ear, pulling him along.

"Ow!" Five hissed as he shoved me off of him. I brought him up to the roof and tried to open the door. My face instantly fell when I realized the door was locked. Stupid Reggie.

"What a bummer." Five remarked in a sarcastic tone. I turned around while giving him a cross look.

"Teleport us to the roof." I commanded. He rolled his eyes and started to walk away.

I sighed and turned around, getting my hands ready to blast the door with enough sound waves and light waves from a lamp that it will shatter everything.

Five turned around quickly with wide eyes as he saw what I was planning. He grabbed me by the back of my uniform, causing my powers to falter.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He said in a louder voice than before. I shushed him.

"If you're not gonna teleport us to the roof, I'll blast us in." I stated with a smug smile.

Five ran his fingers through his hair and cursed under his breath. He gave me an exasperated look, and I knew I had won.

"You get on my last nerve, Eight." He mumbled as he grabbed my hand and teleported us up to the roof. I smiled widely when I saw that everything I had set up stayed in place.

"You like it, Fivey?" I questioned him. He looked at the peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches I had set up beside two beanbags and smiled to himself softly.

"It's okay, I guess. Could have gotten more." He shrugged and put both of his hands in his pockets. His smile turned into a glare. Him and his pride.

"Whatever, idiot. Come sit down and feast with me. We both know this is the only time this will ever happen." I informed the boy.

We both were aware that the only reason Sir Reginald isn't watching over us like hawks is because it's our thirteenth birthday. One day off is his idea of being generous.

I sat down on my beanbag while Five did the same. I grabbed a sandwich and downed it. Sir Reginald gives us the grossest meals, which often leads Five and I to making sandwiches without him knowing.

"What is all this for?" Five asked me in a confused tone. I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we don't normally sit on bean bags on the roof while eating multiple sandwiches." Five pointed out as he licked his fingers free from the peanut butter.

"Five. You know what day it is, right?" I questioned him. He surely couldn't  forget, right?

"Of course I do! That's a ridiculous question. I can time travel-" Five started to say.

"Not yet." I corrected him. Five gave me a glare.

"Whatever. So, of course I know what day it is. September 30th." Five shrugged. I stared him dead in the eyes to see if he was joking. It's tough to tell with him.

After a while, however, I could tell he was being serious.

"Five. Today is our birthday." I informed the oblivious boy. His eyes went wide at this new information.

"Oh shit! I forgot. I- I didn't even get you a present." Five cursed as the realization went through his head. I rolled my eyes and pulled out a box.

"You would get me a stupid gift anyways. Here, just open yours." I demanded. He hesitantly took the wrapped box from me and began to open it.

As he opened the small box, his eyes lit up. I smirked to myself as he pulled out a coffee mug that had the words, "I'm Dangerous Without my Coffee...and With" and an umbrella underneath it.

"I had it custom made." I told Five with a proud smile because of the shocked look he has on his face.

"I-" He began to say.

"Don't thank me yet. Look inside the mug." I informed mister Five. He did as he was told and pulled out a silver ring.

He read the words, "I'm With Stupid." My ring also said, "Stupid." He put the ring on and it perfectly fit his finger since I measured his fingers while he was sleeping.

"This isn't that cool." Five rolled his eyes as he fidgeted with the ring, looking at his mug.

"Oh, I know you love it." I smirked as I showed him my ring. He read it briefly and I saw a small pink tint grow on his cheeks.

"It's fine. I don't hate it." He finally admitted which was his way of saying he loved it.

"Thank you, Eight." Five finally said after a long moment of silence.

"You're welcome, Five." I smiled to myself.


Five used that mug for the entirety he had it, and loved every minute of it. The ring never outgrew his finger.

He disappeared the next day.


Would you rather... spend a day with Klaus, or, pull a prank on Reginald with Diego?

Can you tell I'm trying to be cool with the umbrellas and hearts and memes and what ifs? Cause if not ignore this!!


I hate science

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I hate science

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