Chapter 44: A not very merry Christmas

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"Seriously?! A make your own enchilada kit?!" Grover shrieked, tearing through the rest of the wrapping paper with superhuman speed, "this is a decent gift."

"Mmhmm you're clearly not excited at all," I laughed, watching him battle a grin, "you're welcome by the way."

"What about my gift?" Bobby asked, tugging at my sweater, "Matty got to open his!!"

"Well...check the other side of the tree," I replied, pointing at a green gift, "I think it may have your name on it"

"It does!" he shrieked as he practically flew towards the other side of the tree, intensely shaking the gift before he  tore it open, "LEGOS!"

"It is!!" I laughed at his enthusiasm.

"Sally! Helen got these for you, and this one's from me," I said, passing two boxes to Sally, who was sitting beside Paul, drinking some hot chocolate.

"Aww thank you Annabeth dear!" she smiled, setting her cup down before gently unwrapping the gifts, "oh! This is a beautiful necklace! Did you pick it yourself?" Sally gasped, holding up the daisy and topaz necklace I got for her.

"I'm glad you like it," I grinned.

We spent the rest of the afternoon just opening gifts and chatting as the boys ran merrily around the tree with their new aeroplane toys.

It was like having one big, adorable family.

I got a few new books, and a 'I don't need Google, my girlfriend knows everything' shirt from Percy.

Sally also hand-knitted everyone a sweater as her gift. Can we talk about how much work that must have been? Dam.

In the chaos and heaps of gift wrap, everyone eventually fell asleep after a big batch of Paul's hot chocolate and marshmallows.

Tyson and the twins were sound alseep, snoring like little monsters in front of the tv.

Sally, Paul and Estelle retired to their rooms.

Which left Percy and Grover napping on the couch.

Alseep on the sofa, leaning against Grover for support.

I smiled.

He looked peaceful.

It had been a while since he had nightmares and I couldn't thank the Gods enough. Percy deserved nothing but the best, he'd been through so much.

Whenever I look at him I'm so grateful that we found each other again.

I don't think I could ever love anyone the way I loved Percy....he was a part of me, a part of my heart and soul. He is the sound my heart beats too and the destination my feet walk to.

It took me a while to wrap my head around the fact that he was here for good....that he was not going to leave me.

And once I did, I was able to allow myself to fall head over heels for him. To finally open up to him, to the world, and happy.

He was my happiness.

And I am so proud of how far we've come

I could hear Grover mumbling incoherently as he snored, in a sleep so deep that it could easily be the bottom of the ocean.

I brought the boys a blanket, wrapping it around Percy's shoulders before covering Grover with the rest of it.

Goat boy just kicked it off immediately, like a baby, so I kinda just let him be.

"Hey, here's my present for you," I whispered low, trying not to wake Percy up as I slipped my present next to him, kissing his cheek before I quietly moved away.

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