Chapter 2 : Giving it a shot.

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Two things.
One: I certainly did not expect that I would run into Annabeth so soon.

Two: nor did I expect to be judo flipped with her hovering over me like an angry princess.

And judging by her expression, she was not happy to see me.

Which stung like a stingray tail because Id been looking forward to seeing her since I got here. You could's the main reason I agreed to move back.

Her hair surrounded me, some of it ticking my forehead. It was like a veil between me and anything else, practically forcing me to look at Annabeth.

And as I did...the throb in my shinbone dulled. I always found her cute. But now? She was seriously beautiful. Her stormy gray eyes were as dazzling as ever. I just wished that that fierce look wasn't directed at me. She had grown too, more lean and tall.

Out of sheer stupidity, a laugh escaped my throat. That was Annabeth for you. A scary brave soul.

" I missed you too," I whispered, giving her a wink.

She looked like she was about to kill me. She dug her elbow deeper into my neck until Chiron cleared his throat.

"Annabeth, get off of him," he commanded, moving from behind the desk, to get a better view.

She huffed, shooting me one last glare. And then she did, in fact, get off of me. Not gracefully might I add. She stabbed me in the ribs. On purpose.

I dusted myself off. Ignoring the aching of my body. My head hurt. My tailbone hurt. Now my ribs hurt. And looking at Annabeth my heart hurt.

I've been here for less than a day and she already broke me.
I'm impressed.

"I was going to as you to take Percy here on a tour," Chiron explained to her, sending a nervous glance my way, "But....I think it's best to have Jason do it."

He waved the boy who stood in the corner of the room over. He had sandy blond hair and piercing blue eyes. His glasses rested straight on his face, his shirt was wrinkle-free and his hair was combed to perfection.

Huh...I was wondering who the teachers pet was.

He turned towards Annabeth with an apologetic smile. She shrugged, still looking so angry that I was surprised there was no smoke coming from her ears.

A felt a small pang in my heart. I was hoping she would be happy to see me. Hoping our reunion would be joyful. Instead...she looked at me like she wished I never came back.

The boy, Jason led me on a tour of of the campus. I already knew the place well enough.
I did my primary and secondary schooling here. With Annabeth, my mind reminded me.

They did change the campus a bit. Elongated the grounds, added a map-making club. The archery shed, however, I noted with a hint of nostalgia, looked like it hadn't been changed in years.

It was situated in the grounds, a little distance from the volleyball court. It was a run-down wooden building that looked like it was on the verge of falling down any moment. Luckily, it was mainly just used for storing our archery stuff and not as a building for archery.
We had grounds for that.

Chiron had been asking Principal Dionysus for funds to fix it since I attended  Half-Blood High last.
The principal was a lazy man.

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