Chapter 13. Sally's the best

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I was sitting next to Percy, who was munching popcorn. And drinking his coke which he complained wasn't blue.

Unfortunately, since Grover didn't book the tickets earlier, he was sitting a row ahead of us along with Juniper.

Honestly, I'm glad we weren't sitting next to them because they were holding hands so tight, I wondered if their blood was even circulating. I couldn't complain, they were adorable together.

"Is it mean if I throw kernels of popcorn at them? Like a mean old chaperone and scream no PDA?" Percy asked, leaning over.

To demonstrate, he threw a kernel of popcorn into Grovers curly mass of hair. He didn't even notice.

"We paid like 10 dollors for the food and drinks. It'll be a shame if it all goes into Grovers head," I answered, grinning back at him.

I remember when we were as thick as thieves. We would always pull pranks on poor unsuspecting Grover.

And now....I didn't even know his mom got remarried. Or...where that previous asshole was.

"Remember when we gave him a slice of cake with salt on top and told him it was powdered sugar?"Percy grinned

I snorted at the memory, which caused Percy to look amused. I felt my cheeks heat in embarrassment.

"Poor guy ate the whole thing," I replied, grinning at the memory, "didn't suspect a thing, the poor fool."

"We were evil," Percy certified, giving his best impression of an evil grin.

"Hush," I commanded. The movie had begun, and deserved my full attention.

Percy was pretty silent throughout the whole movie, besides making random comments and jokes here and there. One caused me to actually burst out laughing, which earned us many dirty looks and one very suspicious smile from Grover.

"If you don't shut up, they're gonna kick us out," I whispered. He rolled his eyes as he munched popcorn, moving the container forward to offer me some.

I popped in a mouthful, resting my arm on the armrest as I leaned back.

About two seconds later, Percy's hand came and pushed mine off.

Oh helllll nooo

So naturally, I pushed back to reclaim what is mine. And this repeated. Again. And again. And again until Mr Seaweed brain just rested his atop of mine.

I cocked an eyebrow at him.

He just shrugged, and went back to watching the movie.

It was interesting enough, the movie. I actually liked it way more than I thought I would. Worth checking out.

But everything I felt for the movie went temporarily out of the door after two of my favourite characters Selena and Beckydorf were killed.

Percy's hand clasped mind, interlocking our fingers as he looked like a sad guppy, drinking his coke.

A jolt of electricity passed through me at the motion, and I resisted the urge to let go or pull away. He was, after all, somewhat warm in this cold room.

So I held his sweaty hand in mine for the purpose of body warmth. And because I could know what he thought of the movie without communicating with him.
One hard press for nervousness
A pulsating press for excitement
And a drumming of his fingers for suspense.

It was only when the two hour long movie ended, that I pulled away.Because he held my hand even through the interval. And I let him for no apparent reason.

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