Chapter 4: Happy things

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It's been a weekish since I arrived at half-blood high again. And things were going okay I guess. I met Grover again!

He, to my surprise and utter thankfulness, was happy to see me. He came over for a sleepover tonight. We snuck out directly after school cause he claimed that Annabeth would hit him with a book if she knew.
That hurt a little more than I let on.

"Is that," mom asked, opening our house door. She had one hand on her baby bump and an extremely happy expression on her face as she hugged Grover, "Grover! How lovely it is to see you again! My you've grown so tall! And so handsome too," she added, patting his head like she did when he was 10.

We both went inside, dropped our bags and played Nintendo. For a split second, it felt like we were transported back in time and that Annabeth would walk through the door any minute and destroy us.

After a couple of rounds, with a long sigh, Grover put down his controller.

"Do you have any enchiladas?" he asked, eyes pleading.

"Got then this morning just for you, G-man," I grinned. I microwaved it for a bit, put it in a nice plate and returned to the sofa, handing him the hot dish.

His stomach rumbled at the sight of it. Just then, I heard a rapid thud and turned around to find my younger brother, Tyson, running down the stairs like a mad boy.
He jumped into my arms, landing with such a heavy thud that I was worried I would break. Tyson, by no means, was a small boy.

"Foooooood," he grinned, showing off his missing front teeth. He eyes Grover's enchilada lovingly.

Grover looked at Tyson, shocked, the turned to me, "Is that...?"

I nodded, scrambling to get the kid off of me. I sent him away with full permission to bother Paul.

"Huh..I was wondering why Mrs Jackson was still pregnant," he said, taking a huge bite from his enchilada.

"You....thought mom was pregnant for over FIVE YEARS?!" I asked, stunned. It would have prevented me from changing diapers.So I wouldn't have been opposed to it.

He shrugged, "We have a lot of catching up to do," he took one last bite and scarfed down the enchilada. RIP enchilada. Rest in pieces.

"We do," I sighed, resting back against the couch, " has everyone been?" I asked.

"I've been fine. Like I told you, I have a girlfriend, Juniper, she's the best," he had a lovey dovey expression on his face.

"But..," he smiled, "that's not what you wanted to know."

"Of course I want to know what you've been upto!" I protested. Why on earth would Grover think otherwise?

"I know you do," he bleated, "But I also know you want to ask about a special someone," he gave me a coy look.

I threw a pillow at him, "you sound like my mom!"

"And you're moms always right!" He said, throwing the pillow back. "Just asskkkk"

"Fine!" I replied, clutching the pillow tight to my chest, "How's Annabeth been? Why does she hate me so much?"

Grover sunk back into the couch, "Well....when you left...." he shook his head, "she'll tell you that herself."

"But when you left...her life just kinda fell apart. You told me you were leaving....but you didn't tell her. That just....was the the cherry on top for her. One morning she woke up and everyone she loved were gone. But she pulled herself up through sports and school," an idle smile played on Grover's face, "I'm super duper proud of her. And of how far she's come."

My heart sank. Down down down. To hear how bad Annabeth had been. I couldn't picture it. I couldn't picture the girl who's chin was always set, fall to the floor and cry. I couldn't picture her eyes, full of life and challenge, be defeated.
I couldn't picture any of that....
Probably because I wasn't there.

" think she'll ever forgive me?" I asked, barely whispering. I clutched the pillow tighter.

Grover gave the barest of nods, "Yeah. I know she acts all tough....but inside, she misses you most of all. No one has been able to be there for her the way you were, Percy. I tried my hardest...but it never compared. She needs you, whether or not she would admit it to herself. And...maybe....just maybe....If you try hard enough....she'll open up again." He shook his head rapidly.

"Back to happy things!" he said outloud, grabbing the controller.

I nodded, "Happy things it is," I grinned. My mind, flashing a picture of Annabeth.


Lil late but posted on time!!!
Huzzah for me!!!
Now I gotta go do math, wish me death!

Did y'all like the chapter? Any suggestions or ideas?

Stay tuned!!

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