Chapter 30: Chlorine, weird men and sandwiches

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My nerves were in overdrive. We'd been on Long Island for almost a month at this point, winning most of the preliminary rounds.

Today was the final competition. With swimming and archery being held parallely. I hadn't seen Annabeth much. Especially given coaches orders that the two of us were not allowed to be in a room not supervised.

The constant teasing from my 'friends' was not helping either. No one believed no matter how many times we told them that Annabeth and I were just friends.

I did my stretches in the locker room, the rest of the team following suit. Nessa was probably stretching in the girl's locker room cause....she was not a boy so she wasn't allowed in the boys locker room.

I hardly ever felt nervous when it came to swimming, but today I did.

A recruiter from Pierce is lurking somewhere in the crowd. Pierce has been my dream university ever since mom told me that's where my father went, with a swimming scholarship.

And for years that's what I aspired to have.

I missed out so many opportunities because mom and I had to lay low and I was worried I might blow this one.

I never knew my dad that well, mom said he passed away few months before I was born because his ship went down at sea.

I just hope he would've been proud of me.

"Alright team, we gotta do our best okay?" I adjusted my swim cap.

Frank and Micheal Yew nodded, both of them engaged in a firm handshake.

The last race was freestyle swimming, and for it I picked Frank, Nessa and Michel Yew since only four of us were allowed to compete in a team.

"I'm sure Annabeth is going to kill us if we don't win," Frank joked, jotting something down on his notepad.

"Ah! That's where you're wrong ma man, Annabeth is gonna kill us only if coach Hedge doesn't get to us first," Yew grinned.

The fact that the rest of the team, was on the bleachers ready to cheer us on really did help morale.

But I wished Annabeth was here too....she's one of our strongest swimmers.

After what felt like an eternity in the locker room, which was boiling hot by the way, we heard the announcer well...announce.

Our main competition today was Goode High, and they were certainly a force to be reckoned with. The other teams were practically dust in front of them. And they had a much larger team too.

Yancy Academy was here too, and some other schools. But Goode....they were good.

"Frank? You good?" I heard Micheal ask, and turned around to spot him looking a little queasy.

"Yes...I am," the big boy nodded,"let's go?"

"Hello? It's our turn guys! Let's go!" Nessa urged, her own nerves seemingly in overdrive.

She chose the perfect moment to appear before us.


"Hell yes we can," Nessa whispered, as we walked towards the crowd.

I was used to it at this point, walking out when our name was called and seeing my friends on the bleachers cheering for us.

Mom, Paul and Mrs Chase drove all the way here to watch the final games.

I caught a glimpse of my parents, Paul was holding a sign with the Half-Blood High insignia on it.

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