Chapter 28: The boy in my bed making me feel feelings

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"You're gonna do great okay? Don't worry," Percy reassured me, his feet disrupting the water.

"You too. Coach Hedge can be ruthless when it comes to training."

"I heard so can Clarisse," Percy added as he reached over to take my hand in his, a wave of giddiness almost took me over. I never felt giddy.

"You heard right," I nodded, watching the sunrise with him. It was peaceful.

It always was, with Percy I realised. Peace. I always felt it when I was around him.

Percy and I thought it would be calming to come to our creek before the completion, to collect our thoughts. And we were right.

It was early in the morning, everything stood still. The SPQR games began in a few hours so Chiron told us to report to Half-Blood high by 7 so we could all be loaded into busses and arrive there at time.

 The SPQR games began in a few hours so Chiron told us to report to Half-Blood high by 7 so we could all be loaded into busses and arrive there at time

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"I still wish I could watch you destroy everyone in throwball," Percy said, shifting towards me.

"I'll be sure to tell you all about it later," I smiled.

With a few more minutes of watching the tiny fish swim under our feet, we had to leave, getting on separate busses and dealing with a long drive.

As a reward for having arrived there, a very annoying man decided to give us a tour of the sports complex, which we should not have visited for that sole reason.

"This", the man explained, leading us through the complex to the refreshments, "This 97,000-square-foot center boasts four regulation-sized basketball courts, four indoor tennis courts, three roller derby rinks, 12 volleyball courts," he paused for a swcond, clearly upset our lack of a reaction he continued, "We also house an impressive pool, two of them. Have set up archery stations in the garden and...." he rattled on, listing everything in this establishment which made me want to go to sleep.

Where were those refreshments??
I needed to be refreshed.

"This guy really needs a hobby," Will whispered next to me and I stifled a laugh, causing the man to wrinkle his bulbous nose.

"He's acting as if his parents laid these bricks themselves," Clarisse groaned behind me, pushing me to keep walking to follow this excruciating tour.

"Chiron," I whispered when the man had his back turned,"Can we please go? Everyone's dying."

"Now Annabeth," Chiron shook his head," I didn't expect this from you. We are lucky to be presented with such an opportunity and you of all people-"

"And that's just on right side of the first floor," the man drawled, "Now lets review why it's so interesting and move on to the left side."

"Sir," Chiron immediately interrupted," my student here is feeling quite faint," he pulled me to the front of the crowd by my forearm,"I think it's time we get back to our hotel for the night. I don't want anything to happen to her before the competition."

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