Chapter 36: Sparks fly

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To say Annabeth looked beautiful was an understatement.

Heck, even if I said she looked like a glowing goddess it wouldn't be enough.

She looked just....perfect.

I lost my ability to speak when I saw her.

Our journey to Town Jupiter was silent one, which was rarely the case with us so it was weird.

I think both of us were confused. I mean..we didn't decide if it was a date or not yet. So what do I do?
Hold her hand? Not hold her hand? Kiss her? Not kiss her?

At least-the confusion melted away when we heard the sounds of laughing and carny music.

"Steadyyyy steadyyyy," I whispered as Annabeth tossed the final ring onto the bottle, it landing perfectly atop it.

"Yes!" she squealed, basking in her victory as she chose to a panda pillow pet.

"For you," Annabeth smiled, handing me the adorable thing, "treat him well"

"I shall name him Perry and protect him with my life," I grinned, tucking my new best friend under my arm as we walked past the booths.

We've had loads of fun for the past three and a half hours we've been here. Between the dancing square, food and games, I couldn't have asked for a better environment to have all my tensions ease away.

Side note, Annabeth and I have been on the Ferris wheel four times. Don't ask why. I just wanted to mention it.

"So what do you wanna do now? I'm pretty sure we've demolished all the games and it's almost Luke's curfew"

Annabeth rolled her eyes, a victory smile still on her, "You're taking Luke's thing seriously?" she asked.

"Oh definitely. Thalia is gonna marry Luke and Thalia scares me," I chuckled.

"Well about some dancing? Can't think of a better way to end the night," Annabeth sighed, quickly covering it up with a bubbly grin.

Her slight frown caught me off guard. Did I do something wrong? It felt like I was doing everything right. We were having fun, right?

"Lead the way, my lady," I gestured as Annabeth led us to the dancers square after a quick stop at the lockers to deposit Perry the panda.

Annabeth and I fell into the music quite quickly, spinning around ans laughing and the bass rang loudly.

There was a band of county musicians, and the environment was to die for.

"And nowwwww ladies and gentlefolk, this number goes out to all our special someone's. If you're with them, grab them close and grooooove to the beat," the man with the banjo announced, his accent deeply southern.

"I....think he means us," I rubbed the back of my neck, watching all the couples wrapping themselves around each other as the music slowed down.

"Clearly ," Annabeth rolled her eyes,smiling

"So....who should I dance with?"

"Me, seaweed brain," she said, lightly punching me in the gut before she threw her hands around me.

I instinctively moved forward, wrapping my hands around her waist. She fit perfectly against me.

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