Chapter 39: Bigger than the whole sky

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"Come on Tyson, it's this room," I heard Annabeth's voice, soft as a rose petal as she knocked on the hospital room door.

I looked over at my new sister, sleeping soundly in a little cot beside mom's hospital bed.

She'd been born just two hours ago.

I swear the moment I first saw her little tomato face....the joy and love that I felt were bigger than the whole sky.

So were the smiles on mom and Paul's faces.

Mom was fast asleep on the hospital bed, Paul alseep on the chair beside her with his head on the wall, still holding mom's hand.

I tiptoed across the door, letting Annabeth and Ty in.

"Shhh everyone's asleep," I put a hand to my lips.

Annabeth nodded, but Tyson didn't get the memo.

"MOMMYY WHERES BABY E?" He asked loudly, startling my mother and stepfather awake.

"Ty?" Paul asked, rubbing his eyes as Tyson went bouncing towards him

"Hello baby," mom smiled, her tired eyes still beaming at the sight of her son, "come here," she patted, and enveloped Tyson in a hug.

"Hello Annabeth," Paul greeted, before turning his attention towards his son.

"Annabeth! I'm so glad you're here," mom grinned, eyeing the bouquet, "aww you still remember that yellow roses are my favourite."

"Of course I do,Sally," Annabeth smiled, "congratulations," she said, clasping mom's hand before she pulled her into a hug.

"Have you seen Estelle yet dear?" Paul asked, interrupting Tyson's story about drawing a carrot wedding, "Percy, take her."

"Aye aye captain," I nodded, leading Annabeth away from the impending chaos that is Tyson.

"She's just perfect Annabeth! You have to see her! She's small and tiny and little-"

I got cut off by a light kiss.

"Got it, seaweed brain," she whispered, "but you're being loud, and we're in a hospital," she reminded.

"Right," I chuckled, taking her to the baby room.

Annabeth fawned over Estelle, her smile never left as she watched the nurse bop her up and down.

"She is perfect," she whispered, squeezing my hand.

We stayed like that for a little while longer, just watching Estelle squirm and wiggle in her little crib.

I never knew If I wanted kids, but watching the way they lit up Annabeth's face, I know she would make an amazing mother and that's enough for me to come to a decision.

I....umm....if we ever you know....get married that is...

We returned back to mom's hospital room, just missing Paul as he took Tyson out for a walk.

Annabeth and mom chatted a little bit, but I was way too distracted by the beeping machine's to listen.

It didn't help the fact that Annabeth seemed to be getting paler by the second, her smiles were also waning.

Even mom noticed because she told us to go home and get dinner ready.

Paul will come home a few hours later to pick up some stuff and would drop off Tyson then.

Apparently we were on babysitting duty
(Approved by Mrs Chase TM)

"You okay?" I asked Annabeth as we made our way towards the car.

She nodded, a forced smile on her face, "of course! Nothings going to ruin this perfect day."

See, I knew something was wrong with my girlfriend that exact moment because she didn't speak the entire car ride. And didn't say anything when we returned to my place either, just cooking some spaghetti with robotic movements.

"Annabeth.." I tried twice, but she cut me off with some chore.

I tried not to panic. She would tell me when she's good and ready.

Grover popped by for a bit, bringing some quesadillas in celebration.

Tyson and Paul returned then too, with Paul leaving after some dinner and packing some quesadillas for mom.

That whole thing lifted Annabeth's spirits a bit.

"And thenn the alligator ate the mosquitoe and then he grew a billion noses and he became a rocket," Tyson blabbered as Annabeth tucked him onto bed, I could hear his voice bounce through the house as I washed the dishes.

Eventually it went quiet, and I, with my topnotch detective skills, decided that Tyson was in fact, a 100% alseep.

Sherlock Percy wins again.

The only thing I heard from Annabeth before she locked her bedroom door was that she was borrowing some night clothes from me.

My heart sank at that. I was really hoping we could talk.

With nothing to do, I watched a movie on NETFLIX and hopped into bed a little while later.

I was half alseep when I heard a knock on my door.

Annabeth stood at the doorframe, wearing one of my shirts that reached her knees. Her eyes were puffy, and her hair was frazzled.

"...Percy?" she whispered, her voice weak.

"What's wrong?" I sprang to my feet, wrapping my arms around her before she crumpled to the floor.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry," she repeated, furiously wiping her tears away, "I'm sorry for ruining your perfect day"

"Annabeth," I tilted her chin, forcing her to look at me, "you did nothing wrong....nightmare?" I asked.

Her nod was confirmation enough.

"I...I haven't been to a hospital since the accident," she explained in a shaky breath, "it was the same hospital and I just...I couldn't..."

"Hey hey hey wise girl, it's alright," I brushed her hair away, kissing her temple, "It's over now, you're safe"

"I tried I really did....Gods I can't believe I'm doing this today, you must hate me," she said, clutching her bead necklace, "I'm sorry"

"Annabeth I can never ever hate you," I whispered, "and it's's alright. I promise you, it's okay."

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't say you're sorry," I held her tighter, "you have nothing to be sorry for, wise girl"

"Can....I sleep with you tonight? I don't wanna be alone"

"Of course," I replied, kissing the top of her head, "come on," I led her to the bed, wrapping the sheets around her as she rested her head against the pillow.

I waited until I could hear her breathing even, holding her in my arms. And then, I let sleep take me too.


I'm alive
Barely hanging in there
Taylor Swift's Midnights album hit me like a tsunami

Posted 26/11/22- 1:33am)

Have an exam in 9 hours yay!

Stay tuned!!!

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