Chapter 18: The Creekiest of Creeks

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"For the hundredth time! What is it?!" I shouted, completely disregarding the rules of the library. The librarian threw me a dirty look.

"I'm bored," Percy pouted, stabbing my shoulder with his index finger. He reminded me of my brothers before bedtime. And it was not the most peaceful scene.

"Grab a book and read it then," I sighed, Indicating to the book pile in front of me.

I was hoping it'd be easier to concentrate in the school library instead of one of our homes. But Percy was still making it hard. We were in a pretty cramped space at the back of the library and they weren't many people around.

But with Percy constantly hovering over me, looking extra good-looking today for some reason was not a good work environment.

Especially when his baby-seal eyes were tearing down my walls of defence.

"You know I don't wanna," he whined like a three year old, throwing me his signature baby seal eyes.

"Percy,I don't know what to say," I turned to him, finally putting my book down for a second, "you need to shut up so I can do our project, okay?! I'm not able to concentrate!"

He rolled his eyes and I went back to my book. Only for a finger to be prodded into my shoulder about 89 seconds later.


"Nothing," he shrugged, running a hand through his hair

"Oh my Gods," I sighed, getting off of the floor as I moved towards the shelves, trying to find the book I needed. And to get away from Percy's constant torture.

Percy appeared behind me a second later, placing his chin on my shoulder.

I could feel my body heating up at his proximity, his ocean-scent enveloping my senses as I tried to keep my calm, scanning the shelves over and over and hoping he couldn't see my flushed face.

"How are you not bored right now?" he asked, his voice sending a shiver through me.

I moved away before he could notice, grabbing a book randomly off the shelf to cover my face, willing my heartbeat back to normal.

"Let's ditch these," Percy suggested, scrunching his eyebrows at my sudden distance.

"Ditch what?" I asked, perplexed.

He grabbed a book off the shelves, tossing it lightly in his hand to exuberate his point, "this....let's ditch these."

"Absolutely not," I rolled my eyes, turning away from him.

"Come on Annabeth, I  know you're not just a beautiful nerd," he remarked.

I tried to fight my smile at the word beautiful. It was weird how excited I was at Percy's simple comment.

 It was weird how excited I was at Percy's simple comment

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