Chapter 40: A big housewarming for a litle baby

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I woke up in a tangle of limbs, Annabeth carefully tucked into my arms as her hair spilled over the pillows and bedsheet.

As much as I hated seeing her sad or be in tears, I was grateful that it led her to my bed.

Waking up to an Annabeth Chase was the best thing ever.

I tried really hard not to squirm as I got out of bed. I'm surprised I woke up before her too, but she needed some rest.

Mom and Paul were bringing Estelle home today and told us to clean up before they arrived.

"Shit!" I whispered, biting the inside of my cheek to keep myself from crying out as I stepped on one of Tyson's legos.

what it was doing in my room was unclear.

I could hear Annabeth rustle behind me, pulling the blanket closer to herself as she muttered incoherently.

In the dim sunlight that emanated from my window, her golden locks seemed to glow.

That's when I got a better look at what she was wearing.

That's when I got a better look at what she was wearing

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My swim team hoodie

Jackson suits her.

I chuckled as I remembered the storm that my initial days back in town were. At a certain point, I was sure Annabeth would hate me forever and things would never be the same again.

Things were never the same again.... for the bestest reason.

She was my girlfriend, who I know I'm in love with. Who I've probably been in love with my whole life.

And one day, I'm going to make her Annabeth Chase Jackson, and the hoodie's implication is going to come true.

I fought the urge to crawl back into bed, hold her tight and just let the bed drown us both in warm quilts.

I tiptoed over instead, kissing the top of her head before sneaking out the door.

Tyson was still asleep, thank the Gods and I made a quick plate of scrambled eggs.

"Good morning," Annabeth greeted, leaning against the doorframe, still wrapped up tightly in her blanket.

"Good morning yourself," I chimed, setting down a plate for her to eat as well, "how are you doing?"

"I'm sorry about last night..." she sighed, settling down opposite to me, "I really am"

"Shhh," I rolled my eyes, squeezing her hand across the table, "never apologise for a bad dream. It's not your fault."

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