Chapter 10: I hate my life

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Annabeth was in a pretty grey and white dress, looking as gorgeous as ever.

The party was in full swing when Tyson and I arrived, stopping at the store to get a gift for the twins. I hope they liked a batman Lego set.

I was worried that Tyson wouldn't be able to make any friends. It was always a....trouble area for him. Mom said he was too shy to talk to anyone.
But surprisingly, Matthew, Bobby and Ty became friends almost immediately. They were currently running around with a few more kids saying some weird chant, with a stick they got from God knows where.

Ah well, what matters is my brother has friends. Even if they became satanists.

I should schedule a play date.

I soon found  Annabeth, who was hidden in the shadows. She seemed to be counting and recounting cupcakes.

"Someone's stress....counting?" I asked, approaching her. She turned to me, seemingly snapping out of a trance.

"Where are Grover and Juniper?" she asked. I informed her that they were coming in a while.

"Is....Mr Chase coming?" Annabeth's father, was in the military. From what I remember, he was rarely home and missed many milestones.

She shook her head, "Nope. But-" she went radio silent, that blank look on her face again.

"But?" I pried, trying to bring her back to the present, slightly shaking her shoulder.

She scowled, stepping away from me,"nothing."

"Then why are you so....." I tried moving my hands for emphasis on the word I couldn't find. Distant? Jumpy?

I looked around the room aswell, trying to understand why her eyes kept nervously darting to the door.

I was pretty sure she was waiting for someone.

But who?

Grover and Juniper already said they were going to be late, there was no reason for her to freak out about that.

That's when it hit me, Malcom! Her older brother! I hadn't seen him in the house.

Id almost forgotten about him!

Annabeth used to idolise him so much! She wanted be him when she grew up. She used to make him a card almost every day in elementary school (that's all she used art class for)

"Where's Malcom? Is he coming?" I asked, feeling pretty proud that I figured it out.

She didn't have to answer, because as if I summoned him, the blond man walked through the front door, two gift wrapped boxes in his hands. She let out a deep exhale.

"MalCAME!!!!" The boys shouted in unison, running up to their older brother, they jumped up, stealing the gift boxes from his hands and bolted, not another word to him.

Helen greeted him with a restrained hug, and then chased after the boys to teach them some manners.

Annabeth was as still as a stone when I turned to her, eyes glued to her older brother.

"Annabeth!" I shook her shoulder gently. She stopped staring at him, and started glaring at me. Lovely.

"You should go say hi," I bobbed my head over to where he stood, "Something tells me it's been a while."

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