Chapter 6: Son of a Gorgon

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"First off, both of you should be thankful that Principal Dionysus isn't here. He would have expelled the both of you," Chiron said seriously.

I nodded vigorously. Principal Diyonyss was given a direct order from Mayor Zeus to run the establishment. And he wasn't happy about it at all. He, most of the time took it out on the students.

Percy chuckled, "I'm so grateful for Hawaii right now."

I shot him a look that got him to shut up.

"How about this. I'm tasking the both of you to work together and rebuild the archery shed. Out of bricks and properly this time. I've been asking the Principal for years and now I have a reason for doing it."

"But-" I protested, sending a long hard look in Percy's direction. I can't work with him! Today was proof of that!

I burnt down a building for heaven's sake!

Chiron raised his hand to silence me, "No buts. Annabeth, you're capable enough to design it. I'll order the supplies by tomorrow. You're to accept no help and it will do you good to remember that this is a punishment," he pushed, wheeling himself back to his desk.

"You're dismissed," he said. He called for Miss Hestia to escort us back to class. All the way, my heart thrummed fast.

Bitterness? Was that what I was feeling?

I glanced at Percy, who's hands were stuffed in his pocket. He looked at the floor as he walked, shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Oh! Annabeth dear! I heard about the fire. Are you alright?" Miss Mellie asked as soon as we entered the class. She absentmindedly rubbled her swollen belly as she looked at us, concerned.

"New boy! Are you alright too?" she asked,shifting her gaze to Percy. Her kind eyes wandered over us, scanning for any sign of injury. When we both nodded an affirmative nod, she let us enter class.

"Like I was saying," she continued, "This history project, is going to count towards almost 50% of your overall history grade. You, and a partner that I will assign, will have to do an extensive read on your.....favorite was," she frowned, as if she forgot what she was going to say, "A prominent war, sorry." she giggled.

"All the partners have been called out already," she said, turning to me, "Which leaves you with the new boy my dear," she said with a sincere smile.

I stared at her, mouth slightly agape. There is NO WAY that my fate could be this bad!
Not only was I forced to spend time with him rebuilding the building, but I also had to WORK WITH HIM ON A PROJECT?!!

Whoever the author of my life was....they were cruel.

Percy smirked, sending a discreet wink in my direction. Blood pooled to my face. Why was he so happy?!
Son of a gorgon!!!

I raised my hand, in protest of course, but Miss Mellie just clicked her tongue.

"Now now. You will all be with the partners I assigned to you. I will not be changing them," she said.

She clapped her hands together, "Oh! I almost forgot to mention!" she said, happily patting her stomach again, "This is my last day as a teacher before maternity leave!"

I watched as smiles filled the whole class. We all loved Miss Mellie. And we knew that being a mother was always a dream of hers.
She was, surprisingly , married to Coach Hedge . And was the only one who could calm him down when he had fits of rage.

"What do you mean by last day as a teacher?" Clarisse La Rue asked.

"Oh! Haven't you heard?" she asked, delicately scrunching her eyebrows. She often looked like she was made of porcelain. Delicate.

"I won't be returning to half-blood high as a teacher. I'm taking a few years off, and then, if I choose to, I would love to be the librarian." she smiled.

Waves of protests began forming. And I joined them. Miss Mellie has been the history teacher for as long as I can remember. It's absolutely surreal that she would leave.

"Now now," she said, waving her hands to calm the protesting teenagers, "My replacement, Paul Blaufis, is an extremely capable man. And I want you all to be nice and listen to him."

Why was Percy smirking?

The class eventually calmed down. It wasn't like she was going away. She lived close to school, so we'd still see her a lot.

"Now....let's celebrate with one last," she brought her fists up in an adorable imitation of Coach Hedge, "Hurrah!"

We watched a movie for the rest of the class.

Tomorrow better be dam better than today, I thought, eyeing Percy Jackson.


Hey hey hey!
Watch shadow and bone!!!!

Stay tuned!!
—- S

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