Chapter 24: A dare gone wrong cause of Dare

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I thought it would be a normal day at school today. And it was, for the most part.

It was a great day, in fact. Mrs Dodds had fractured her hip and was promptly replaced by a substitute who had no interest in teaching.

So everyone pretty much vibed in class

But the peace was broken when Leo Valdez had somehow managed to set himself, and something he was working on on fire, and we were let out early

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But the peace was broken when Leo Valdez had somehow managed to set himself, and something he was working on on fire, and we were let out early. Twas a fire evacuation for the weirdest reason.

"Yes yes, don't thank me. Just now," Leo said, his face still covered in soot and hair slightly singed.

Beside me, Grover burst out laughing.

We'd all convened in the grounds, everyone confused, some happy and the staff, angry.

I think they were all having an impromptu meeting in the gymnasium. They told the seniors they were incharge, but no one seemed to care.

Everyone was with their own group, just having the time of their lives or finding a way to sneak out.

"Thankyou for helping us miss our maths test, your majesty," Connor Stoll swooned, dropping to his knees before Leo. The student body laughed behind him.

"Annabeth and Jason and Reyna went to go smooth things over with Chiron. Rumour has it that Mr D is going insane over this," Grover told me.

"It's not the only fire related incident lately," I reminded him,pointing across to the still in progress archery shed. Or...soon to be one.

"If I had a penny....I'd have two, which is weird," he said randomly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Jackson, Grover! You guys in?" Clarisse yelled out from across the ground, challenging us to a game of truth or dare.

There was a group of my friend's in a circle, sitting on the ground. Including a couple I knew well, and I few I wasn't that close with.

Piper waved us over, and I grabbed Grover's hand and sat down next to her.

"You know the basic rules right?" Clarisse asked, "Unless you're as dumb as you look."

"Oh yeah? Well you're-"

"HA PUP PUP," Grover interrupted, "Yeah, we know the rules."

"I'll start. Dare," Connor said, puffing up his chest, "that's right, I ain't no wimp like the rest of y'all."

"Oh? You're not a wimp?" Piper asked, rolling her eyes, "then go to the bathroom, wear your underwear over your pants like superman, and run three laps around the school," she ended her proposal with a dazzling smile.

I watched as Connor's self image delafted like a sad balloon, "But-"

"No buts. Only wimp's back down from challenges," Travis egged on.

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