Chapter 34: The kingdom of stars

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Free periods are fun.

At least....that was the sentiment I shared until 20 minutes ago, before the Leo Valdez decided to karaoke with Grover and Frank.

"Oh gods, this is a nightmare," Piper sighed from beside me, covering her ears as Leo attempted a high note.

"Tell me about it," I replied, praying for the monstrosity to stop.

None of the aforementioned people had tolerable singing voices. It sounded like a choir of obese manatees with strep.

"If they keep going on, I'll be telling a jury about it," Piper covered her ears.

"I BEG of you guys to stappp!" Travis cried out, looking like he was on his death bed. For once I found myself agreeing with a Stoll.

"Annabeth," Percy whispered,somehow appearing behind me,"do something."

"I can't just jump over the table and steal their radio,Percy," I sighed, my face involuntarily turned sour as Grover attempted a high note.

"Okay fine then. I will"

"What do you mean-"

I didn't have time to finish my enquiry as Percy leapt over my desk, grabbing the radio playing Katy Percy and ran out the classroom, the music still blasting from the box.

"Hey! Get back here, aquabrain," Leo screamed as he chased after Percy.

Beside me, Piper let out a cry of relief.

"If you guys sing again, I swear to all the Gods that I will break your bones," she threatened, throwing a ruler and some other thing at Frank.

"Noted," Grover chuckled, throwing a paper ball in Katies direction.

"ALL HAIL HIM, THE KING OF HALF-BLOOD HIGH," Travis and Stoll cheered as Percy entered the classroom with a sullen looking Leo.

The radio nowhere in sight

"Now now guys, I wouldn't have done it without my queen," Percy bowed, winking in my direction.

I felt my cheeks heat up and I hurried my face in my palms. What one look from Percy could do to me.

He's only doing it to keep up the charade, a voice whispered from inside my mind. If you weren't fake dating, he wouldn't have cared.

"WELL THEN HAIL HER TOO," Connor laughed, blowing an exaggerated kiss in my direction.

"We made you this, Jackson," Travis said, procuring Percy a paper crown.

"Oh come on , we weren't that bad," Frank muttered as Percy was christened

"Get up there girl," Piper winked, practically pushing me into Percy's arms.

Percy's hands immediately came around my waist, straightening me beside him as Piper backed away.

I expected him to pull away after I steadied myself, but he didn't.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty," I whispered, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"OOOH THEY KINDA KISSED I GUESS," Katie shrieked, clapping her hands together in glee.

"Oh grow up!" I protested, unable to hide my growing smile. I shifted my eyes to notice Percy's wide grin mimicking my own.

We had a few classes after our free period. After which, I followed Percy to his place to help set up Tyson's birthday party.

Sally, Paul and Tyson weren't home, with the former two trying to surprise Tyson with a party upon their return from Town Jupiter.

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