Chapter 23: A shooting star

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I'd quickly gotten over my annoyance about Percy crashing my reunion.

And now, I couldn't wait to get over building this dam archery shed. It was late, maybe around 6pmish and we still hadn't gone home from Half-blood high.

We had to catch up on a lot of work, considering how much we pushed it aside. First, after school, I'd dragged Percy to the library and made him do his share of the project (with supervision of course) and after that didn't work out, I ended up doing it myself.

And now we were here, working tirelessly. We still hadn't complexly finished the base. So we were doing that.
Percy opted to pour the concrete mixture in, to fill up the frame. And I was behind him, leveling it.

And it was absolutely grueling for a singular reason, and that was the mosquitos. They shamelessly bit every inch of bare skin Percy and I had exposed.
The fact that the school didn't have any lights for the grounds didn't help either, but mosquitos take precedence.

"We can leave it to dry for today and tomorrow, then we can set up the posts. Chiron said they've arrived," I told Percy once we're finally done. He wiped the sweat from his brow, nodding through this labored breathing.

"I'm going to the locker room to get cleaned up," I said, trying to muster the energy to leave. I swatted the mosquitos off of my head, trying desperately to kill them.

"Wanna go to the creek?" he asked, deciding to lie down on the grass.

"Percy it's late-"

"Annabeth please-," he gave me his baby seal eyes.

I don't know how he won that debate, and I was too tired to remember.

So now we were apparently heading to our creek.

I felt extremely fresh after my shower. Luckily the girl's showers has hairdryers attached to the walls, so I could wash my hair and feel like a peach the whole journey to the creek.

We'd also grabbed our jackets, which were funnily the same colour as our tops.

I had my backpack with me and texted Helen that I'd be late. Percy asked the Janitor, Mr. Bob the Janitor for torches, so we had two torchlights to light our way.

"Careful, don't step on that snail," I warned, settling myself onto the wooden plank. The cold water was a relief to my overworked feet.

"What if there are piranhas in the water?" Percy asked, settling down next to me.

"Shut up," I huffed, bending down and splashing him with water.

Percy placed his head on my shoulder, scooting closer as we marvelled at the night sky. It was still relatively bright out, so we couldn't see those many stars.

"Can you see The Huntress?" he pointed it out, a shimmering constellation, "I still remember how excited you were when you learnt the story behind it

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Can you see The Huntress?" he pointed it out, a shimmering constellation, "I still remember how excited you were when you learnt the story behind it."

"Oh Gods isn't it beautiful?" I found myself smiling, remembering the first time I ever saw it. Percy was right next to me then too.

"I had fun today, you know. Even though you were mean to me," he said after a while.

"Oh hush, I wasn't mean to you."

"Okay fine, you weren't," he admitted," are you still mad at me about the Thalia and Luke thing?"

"I was....but Thalia told me to look at it from your point of view. And besides, it was sweet that you cared enough to follow me " I told him honestly.

A silence enveloped us for a long time. We stared at the twinkling stars, listening to the sounds of nature. The Huntress shone brightly as I rested my head against his, his hair tickling  my cheek.

It was the picture of tranquility, both of us tired from today.

However, everything comes to an end. And Sally called, telling Percy to get home immediately because it was late.

"Let's go," I laughed, watching his pouting face as I got up, "we don't want to cross Sally."

"True, she might not make me blue cookies," he extended his hand, and I pulled him up.

"Speaking of blue cookies, I forgot to give you this cupcake mom made for you," he said after  he shrugged on his jacket, and I mine.

I untied my ponytail, letting my hair down in the light breeze.

Percy turned his flashlight on, and we walked through the greenery carefully. I held the blue cupcake in my hand as I follows it, debating whether or not to eat it now.

"Also, I forgot to tell-" Percy began, but immediately stopped and pointed at something in the distant sky, "Annabeth quick! Look!"

He pointed to a shooting star, which shimmered through the sky, a blazing path.

"Quick! Make a wish!" I told him. I closed my eyes and made mine.

Please, can Percy not leave me again? I wished.

He somehow did it again. Became an integral part of my life in a short period of time.

"What did you wish for?" I asked him, not expecting an answer. If you say your wishes, they probably won't come true. I suppose I just wanted him to say something.

Just to hear his voice. To remember that this wasn't all just a wish, and he was actually here.

Percy looked at me for a long moment, his eyes focused on mine. He smiled, taking a step forward.

I felt my heart pounding.

I'm pretty sure this was where we were standing years ago when-

Stop it!

I scolded it my stupid heart.It had absolutely no reason to somersault.

"You know I can't tell you, wise girl," he chuckled, reaching to brush a strand of my hair behind my ear.

His fingers lingered for a second as his eyes drifted up towards the stars.

"Oh look, there's another star," he said, bringing his eyes back to meet mine

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Oh look, there's another star," he said, bringing his eyes back to meet mine. I struggled to breathe.

"Still not sharing your wish huh?" I chuckled, stepping away from his touch.

Get it together Annabeth.

I was probably just extremely tired from working all day, I wasn't thinking straight.

I shook it off, "Come on," I laughed, grabbing his arms, "Sally wants you home, seaweed brain."


Thankyou for reminding me to post @Percabeth1856
I thought it was still Monday 😭

Any suggestions? What do you guys wanna read?

Stay tuned!!

Half of my Heart   /A percabeth fanfiction/حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن