Chapter 8: Stuck on the roof like a goof

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I held on to the trash bag for dear life as flying debri raced towards me.

Since we burnt down the archery shed, it was Annabeth and I's scared oath and duty to redo the entire structure.

And to avoid being expelled

The first thing was to clean up the mess. And boy...there was a loottt of it.

"Are you going to lend me a hand?!" Annabeth screamed, trying to pull down a part of the shed that wasn't burnt to a crisp.

I rolled my eyes and assisted her. Luckily the school was kind enough to give us  CHB shirts, some helmets, and gloves. So we don't die.

We'd spent the better part of the after-school day just cleaning up the mess. To make things worse, it drizzled during the second period so everything is a wet soggy mess. Ugh.

Chiron said we were allowed to skip classes as long as we still performed well on tests and submitted our homework on time and stuff.

He also assigned me a private tutor who......drumroll please......was none other than Annabeth.

You should've seen her face when he called us into his office to inform us that. Her jaw literally dropped. Another win.

Once we were done clearing most of the wood off the ground, she explained her plan to me, about how she wanted to rebuild it. Not gonna lie, it was impressive.

For as long as I've known Annabeth, all she ever wanted to be was an architect. Just like her mother, Athena.

Speaking of whom, I really should meet. It's been a while. She wasn't really the biggest fan of mine because I'd gotten her brand new white couches completely soaked and muddied the first time we met.
But still, she knew how much Annabeth meant to me and we managed to put aside our differences for her.

"So...actual work starts in a monthish?" I asked, trying to pay attention.

She nodded, "yeah, we need to make a strong foundation first. That was the problem with the archery shed. Weak foundation," she explained.

"We also need to get all new archery stuff in the budget Chiron gave us."

"Yeah I got that covered," she replied, "Leo's father kindly agreed to sponsor that."

That was nice of him.

"We actually have some usable pieces of wood here. Maybe Leo can make them into something," she said randomly.

And then it was back to work

We spent the next couple of hours practically silent, other than the occasional "Hey you missed a spot!" or "No you idiot! You're doing it wrong!" (But that was mostly just Annabeth)

After completing the process of cleaning up the grounds so they could be run on by humans again, we set our sights towards tearing down the roof of the archery shed and working our way down from there.

Since the roof was mostly connected to the shed by nails, Annabeth thought it'd be a good idea to loosen the nails and then just slide the roof off of the structure. It was already quite weak so it should be an easy task.

And she made me do it, even kindly procuring me a ladder.

I laid the ladder against one side of the archery shed as I slowly climbed up, my tool belt slapping the tools against my torso. I held onto the edge of the roof with a hand and slowly started to pry off the connecting nails.

"Hey! I'm going to go drink a sip of water!" Annabeth yelled out from below. Without waiting for a response, she sprinted off into the main campus, discarding her gloves and helmet onto the grounds as she did.

Half of my Heart   /A percabeth fanfiction/Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora