Chapter 3: Gods I hate him so much

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"There is NO WAY I'm letting him," I said, pointing an accusatory finger at Percy, "onto my team, coach!"

It's been less than 5 minutes since Percy came back to town. And he's already ruining everything I've worked for for years!
The nerve of that boy!
Gaaaaahhhh I hate him!!!!

Coach Hedge rolled his eyes, giving Percy a good look.

"Too bad cupcake. We need new members. And I say he swims," he declared, swinging his bat in a dramatic display, "And I'm the coach."


"But nothing!" he declared, waving his hand in Percy's direction. "The boy is going to swim. Unless you have a problem with that."

Percy placed his hands on his hips, shifting his weight ever so slightly, "Scared I'll beat you, Chase?" he asked, giving me a signature smirk.

The nerve on this ass

"Please, Jackson. I can beat you anytime anywhere," I scoffed. Who did he think he was ?!

"Then let me try out. If I beat you, you let me on the team. If you beat me, I won't join. That is what you want isn't it?" he asked.

Of course that's what I want.
Is it?
I wanted that guy out of my life once and for all. No matter how much I wanted him to stay...I wanted him to leave with a fiercer intensity.

Gods why did he come back?!! This was already messing my head up

I nodded, "Fine,Jackson," I said adding a bite to my voice, "Go on."

With a satisfied smirk, I pushed him into the pool. A loud splash was heard and Percy was now underwater.

For one minute

Two minutes


Three minutes

I tapped my foot impatiently, ignoring the panic of my fellow teamates and coach. I heard a couple of people jump into the water and rolled my eyes.

I knew the idiot was just showing off. He could hold his breath for about four minutes.

And as if confirming my thoughts, Percy rose from the dead, shocking everyone around him.

He ran a hand through his hair, grinning as he looked at me, "Worried?" he asked, winking.

"Hopeful," I replied, crossing my arms over my chest.

He clutched his heart, a painful expression taking over his features as he fell back into the pool with a dramatic plop, "I'm hurt." he said.

"Good," I replied, exasperated. I turned back to the coach to see if he would reconsider but judging by the huge grin he had on his face as he jogged to meet Percy.
Yeah, not happening.

"That was great boy! Welcome to the team!" he cheered, clapping his hands together in delight.

Percy opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off.

"But Coach! What if he can't swim? We need to consider ALL the pros and cons before letting him in," I stalled, trying to find a way to discretely kill Percy in the meanwhile.

I knew the idiot could swim.
Better than the average fish atleast.

"I'll take you on," Percy grinned, splashing water on my face.

Coach Hedge swung his bat in excitement, "Perfect! Annabeth, if he beats you, you need to stop complaining and let him on the team. Okay, cupcake?" he asked.

"That is the stu-", I began, ready to argue like my life depended on it. My sanity definitely did.

"Scared?" Percy asked, cocking his head to the side.

It was crazy that, even after all these one brought out my competitive side like Percy did.
Or even made my blood boil with just a single look or word.

"You're on," I challenged, diving into the pool aswell.

The winner, as decreed by one Michael Yew, was the first one to complete 5 laps around the pool.

I grinned. Please, I set the school record for this. There is no way Percy could beat me.

When Coach Hedge blew his whistle, I held my breath and swam like my life depended on it. The faint sound of cheeing was heard.

When I finally surfaced for air at the final lap, I saw Percy sitting there by the edge, smiling like the ass he is.

"He broke the record by seven whole seconds," Frank said, sounding impressed as he double-checked the stopwatch.

I watched In horror as Coach Hedge congratulated Percy on making the team.

"Frank, handle the rest of the recruitments please," I asked as I stormed out of the pool. I changed and went back to classes.

Yeah, there was no way I was going to watch MY entire swim team faun over Percy.

And that's the last I saw of him that day.

Gods I hate him so much.


Guesss who posted on time threeish weeks in a row!

Me! yaaay!

This was posted on 6/10/2021 at 7:02pm

Any suggestions or questions or ideas?

Stay tuned!!!

(watch Shadow and Bone on Netflixx pleaseee)


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