Chapter 37: A whole new world

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"Soooo how was it? Did you guys kiss?" Grover inquired the minute I walked through the front door.

"Did you??" Mom chimed in, sitting next to him on the sofa, a movie playing in the background that had completely lost their focus, which was now solely on me.

"It's all they've been talking about," added Paul, munching on popcorn. A second later he too leaned forward, "Did you kiss?"

"Mom! Grover! Paul!" I felt my face heat up.

This was the trio that was gonna send me to my grave.

Mom patted her belly, "come on, your sister wants to know too," she urged, her face breaking into a large smile.

"We were  going too....we just got....interrupted," I sighed, caving into their demands.

"WHAT? NO!" Grover squealed, "absolutely not! Who were the monsters who stopped it?"

"Her brothers"


"Grover! Language!" Mom chided, switching the tv off,"did you guys at least decide that it was a real date? Do you have a daughter in law for me yet?"

"Mom!" the look of confusion on my face made her continue.

"Grover explained all the drama to me," she said, patting him on his back, "I'm very proud of him"

"You betrayed me!"

"He most certainly did not. I agree with Sally, it was extremely entertaining," Paul interjected, leaning back in his chair, "did you not want want to kiss her? How could you miss your chance?"

"Of course I wanted to kiss her," I mumbled, before I realised what I'd just said.

The entire room lit up like the Fourth of July.

Oh no.

"Well then what are you waiting for?!" mom practically screamed,"go to her house right now! The dates not over until the days over"

"At least he finally admitted it," Grover laughed, high fiving Paul as he passed him a five dollar bill.

"You guys bet on this?!" I gasped, trying to not cause a tsunami. This was getting weirder by the moment.

"Of course we did, now go to her house, Percy," Paul nodded, giving my mom's hand a light squeeze, "what are you waiting for?"

"And change before you go, you stink," mom interrupted him, wrinkling her nose.

"Sally!" Paul gasped.

"I'm sorry, I'm prone to smells," she said, tapping her nose and pointing at her belly, "now go change, darling," she instructed, ushering me away.

"Why's everyone so loud," a tiny voice squeaked from atop the stairs. Tyson stood there, rubbing his red eyes, still clutching his blanket in his hands.

His eyes fell to me, "Did you kiss Anniebewth, brother?" he yawned.

"He's about to," mom beamed, ushering me away and Paul and her went to tuck Tyson into bed.

After I got changed and took a shower (public demand), mom sent me off into the world, with Grover to aid me 'in case I chickened out'

"The lights are off....maybe no one's home?" I asked Grover when we arrived to her house. It was almost 11pm, the twins were probably alseep, Helen with them.

"Look over there," Grover made a face, pushing me into the garden without any respect for boundaries and all those laws about trespassing.

Annabeth's window was illuminated by a dull light. She was clearly home.

"You know what to do," Grover squeaked, handing me a few pebbles he picked up from the ground.

"What if she doesn't-"

"Oh just shut up and throw them, Romeo," Grover whined.

I rolled my eyes but threw the pebbles, Annabeth appeared at the windowsill around the 6th pebble, pushing the windows open.

"Percy? Grover?" she asked, her face a picture of confusion.

"I have something to tell you," I called out, trying to keep my voice low as to not wake up the entire neighbourhood.

"What is it? Can you tell me tomorrow?" she said, looking apologetic, "Helen locked the door and I don't know the password to the security system.

" can't wait...but hang on!" I replied, turning towards Grover.

I only had until the end of the day apparently, and I didn't want to push my luck tomorrow.

"G-man, gimme a boost," I begged.

"I got you," he winked, leaning against the wall. After a few carefully calculated movements, a lot of complaints from Grover and Annabeth's laughs, I made it on top of him.

"Hi," I said to Annabeth as I held her windowsill for support.

"Hi," she smiled, her eyes shining in amusement, "now tell me what couldn't wait until tomorrow? Or a phone call?"

"Well....remember how you said that no date can be completed without a kiss?" I asked her.

"Uh huh," Annabeth nodded, her face slightly red.

"Well then...let's make it a real date," I whispered, leaning towards her as I pressed my lips against her gently and felt her still.

I was about to pull back and apologise until a second later she pressed back, lips moving against mine, and I could feel the smile playing on her lips

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I was about to pull back and apologise until
a second later she pressed back, lips moving against mine, and I could feel the smile playing on her lips.

A million emotions exploded within me.

Everything I held back, everything we held back. All the fear, worries and anxiety all washed away.

I couldn't stop the grin that made its way to my face, breaking us apart.

"It's a real date," Annabeth said, her eyes speaking a thousand words.

"Be my girlfriend? No more pretend," I asked, my stomach churning in anticipation as Annabeth leaned closer

"Took you long enough to ask, seaweed brain," she laughed, "yes! Of course"

"Oh good," I groaned, practically melting into a puddle of relief, "I was worried you still hated me,"

"Only with half of my heart," Annabeth winked, leaning into another kiss.

"Don't leave me again," Annabeth whispered as she pulled away, the emotion in her voice was almost raw.

"Never in a million years," I whispered, "I promise"

She smiled, and I did too.


New chapter!!
Yay me

Any suggestions for the story?

(Posted: 1:37am - 7/10/22)

Stay tuned!!

Half of my Heart   /A percabeth fanfiction/Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu