Chapter 22: They're back!

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I didn't believe it when Jason said that Thalia and Luke were coming back. It almost felt like a fever dream.

It was like relief, joy and anticipation all in one.

It'd been a little over five years since I met them......and the day I last saw them, was probably one of the worst in my life.

I lost my mom that day.

Let me preface this.

Around 5 years ago, Luke's mother, who isn't the most....mentally stable person in town, went missing.

Thalia did some digging and noticed that she had booked a ticket to Greece, and that's where the both of them traveled to using their savings.

Thalia didn't tell her parents before she left. Jason knew, and so did I. That was about it. I still remember the fit Zeus threw.

They spent nearly two years tracking her down, and had to work multiple jobs to earn enough money to bring the three of them back.

And now they were. With enough money to give May Castellan all the care she needed.

I couldn't help the tears which rolled down my cheeks as I hugged the both of them, "I missed you guys so much!"

"We missed you too, Annie," Thalia sniffled, her eyes watering even though she'd never admit it.

"I want to know everything! Absolutely everything!" I demanded, letting go of the two of them and giving them some space.

Luke chuckled, "As curious as ever huh? But you've grown so much, from the little owl we used to know," he wiped a fake tear.

"And you've grown taller than a pine tree!" I protested.

"Well-" Luke began, his eyes narrowed to the side of the road.

We were in a secluded area, the three of us. No one knew about their return yet, besides me and Jason.

We'd spent some time talking about how to break the news to Zeus about Thalia's return. And scrambling to get their house ready. (They'd left the keys with Jason)

"Hey! Who's there?" I asked, moving towards the whole in the fence which encased the grounds we were on. Why would anyone care to follow us? Was it Jason?

"I'm checking if out," I said, before the two could say anything, I sprinted towards the door.

I ducked underneath, rounding the corner to find Percy and Grover there, looking away as if it were going to help matters. They also dawned this ridiculous 'ketchup' and 'mustard' caps.

I was sure I saw the Stolls wear those before.

"Were you guys spying on me?!" I asked them, trying to keep the irritation at bay.

Breathe Annabeth, be nice.

Grover turned in my direction, batting his eye lashes, "Hello, dear lady, woman, person, thing...umm...who I've never met before. I was just in town to purchase sword and I was hoping you could point me in the-"

"Drop the act," I huffed. And they did.

Percy's eyes finally met mine, and he gave me an apologetic smile.
As If that fixes things. I mean it did make him look kinda cute but that was all.

"Annie who.....Grover! Percy!" Luke grinned, rushing towards our trio. Thalia behind him, grinning as well.

Grover looked like a stunned goat, who couldn't get a word out. And Percy looked confused, but happy.

The three exchanged an embrace, and some simple words as I continued to stare at Percy.

"Why did you follow me?" I whispered, trying not to ruin Grover's moment. After all, he was their friend too and deserved their attention. He was extremely sad when they left. He lost three of this closest friends in a single swoop as well.

"I..I was worried"

"For what?! I was perfectly fine"

"I know hadn't been talking to Grover or me and I was....wondering what was wrong," he looked away, at the graffitied fence.

"Percy," I sighed, "Next time just ask"

"I did!" he said, slightly loudly. The chatting trio turned to us, but we smiled so they resumed their little festivities.

"You did..." I remembered, "I'm....sorry, I guess. But I don't appreciate you trying to follow me."

"I'm sorry I was worried about you then," he said, rolling his eyes.

Okay now I felt bad.

"No....sorry, you're right. I'm sorry. Thanks for worrying about me," I said, mimicking his apologetic smile. I suppose he was right

Percy finally cracked a smile now, "Fine," he said, "I only forgive you because you're so dam cute and I can't be mad at you,"

I felt my cheeks heat up. No no no no abort mission! Abort mission!

"Shut up," I nudged him with my elbow, turning my face away from his.

"What's wrong, wise girl? Are you-"

"You know, I don't owe you anymore," I cut him off, before my treacherous face could betray me further.

"Annie, come on. We have work to do," Thalia reminded me.

"Ah well! Goodbye," I whispered to him before I left to Thalia's side.

We were supposed to go over to their house....or...May Castellan's old house and clean it up.
May wasn't here, from what Jason told me that they told him, they'd admitted her somewhere in the city where she could get better care.

I was secretly glad I didn't have to see her. She scared me as a child.

Thalia and Luke also exchanged some words with Percy before we departed.

"What got you all blushing like that?" Grover asked me, lifting a slender eyebrow.

"Nothing," I said, a little to quickly to make it believable.

"You know....Percy was freaking out that you and Jason....." Grover smiled, glancing again to make sure that Percy couldn't hear, "you know...."

"Me....and Jason?" I asked. Realisation hit me and I began to laugh. Percy sending a confused look in my direction, which made my stomach hurt.

"That's...." I huffed, gasping for air, "never gonna happen."

"I know," Grover smirked.

I opened my mouth to give a witty response before Thalia and Luke ushered me away. I gave Percy one last glance before I left with them.

Me and Jason.....

I couldn't help but smile, why would Percy even think that?

But I pushed all other thoughts away. Right now, I just got my family back. And I was going to cherish the hell out of it.


Posted at 12:43am on 15th

Happy 'It's not Valentine's Day anymore' y'all!!

Any suggestions for the story? I'm open to them.

Stay tuned!!!

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