Chapter 7: I had a wicked smart partner

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"Annabeth!!! Annabeth!!" I shouted, chasing after the pouting princess.

She turned around as I neared her, causing me to almost crash into her. She'd changed into an orange CHB shirt, since Miss Mellie had ordered us both to be taken to the infirmary just as a precaution.
We were matching. Hahahahaha.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't think we would do something to stupid!" I apologized. She crossed her arms, cocking an eyebrow.

"How about this, come over, and I'll have mom make us a batch of Blue Cookies. That always cheered you up! We could work on our project too if you like," I begged, folding my arms.

 That always cheered you up! We could work on our project too if you like," I begged, folding my arms

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"Nope. Not going to work," she said, as stoically as possible.

It wasn't until I heard her stomach rumble that managed to convince her. And now, she and I were walking back to my house. Annabeth did not look happy about it one bit.

"I'm just coming over so we can work on the project," she mumbled, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her jeans. She kicked a rock off the pavement, watching it skitter away.

I fought to keep a smile from my face.She hasn't complained or threatened to murder me. So so far so good I guess.

We arrived at my place, and being a gentleboy, I swung open the door.

"Moooooommmmm, I'm homeeeeee," I called out as we entered the living room. I heard the pounding on the steps and braced for impact as Tyson came running down, holding a jar of penut butter.

He launched himself at my feet, holding them with a giggle. He peeped from behind my legs and noticed Annabeth.

He let go, shyly walking towards her. "You're pretty," he said, offering her the jar of peanut butter.

With a shy smile on her face, she bent down, ruffling his hair. "Well hello. Who are you, handsome?" she asked, her voice soft.

I watched as Tyson slowly grinned, puffing his chest up to look as brave as he could.

An involuntary smile tugged at my lips as I watched them interact. Annabeth had always been good with kids. She could either terrify them or get them to love her within 20 minutes. And looking at Tyson's blushing face as she complimented his Handy Manny shirt, it was the latter.

"There you are. Can you take out the trash please," mom called, wobbling down the stairs. Her eyes fell on Annabeth, and she smiled so wide I was worried she was going to break her cheeks somehow.

"Annabeth!" she gasped, walking faster to greet her favorite person. Annabeth had a matching grin on her face.

The two hugged. And I felt something pop in my heart.

"How have you been? You've grown so beautiful! You look like a princess, darling," she said, examining Annabeth at arms length.

"You're glowing, Sally," she compliment back, eyeing mom's growing belly.

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