Chapter 29 : Grocery shopping sucks

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I woke up to the sound of Annabeth's voice, arguing with someone outside the door.

"We've searched, he's not in his room," the outside voice explained, sounding urgent.

"Frank, Percy's-"

"What's about Percy?" I asked, moving blindly in the direction of Annabeth's voice, rubbing my eyes.

I don't even remember how I ended up in Annabeth's room. Or how she let me stay with her. The last thing I remember was Gabe's face and then- wasn't pleasant

I realised a while back that my nightmares were...less scary when Annabeth was around. She just made me feel safe. She always did. I think that just knowing that she was around was enough.

When we were younger, she would tell me stories by our creek. On the days I didn't get a lot of sleep, like when Gabe had his poker friend's over.

Annabeth would lay on the grass next to me, telling me stories or just making up some silly tale as we watched the clouds go by after school, doing her homework or reading a book as I slept. She always made sure I was well-rested. And then make fun of me for drooling.

Frank stood near the doorframe, his eyes widening he took in my, I realised, how incriminating this seemed.

" two...are in so much trouble," Frank whispered, taking a step back as if the sight of us burnt him.

"Everyone thinks you've been kidnapped," he said. We've been scouring the motel When Coach Hedge finds out--oh, gods, you've been here all night?"

"Frank!" Annabeth's ears were as red as strawberries," Percy just came down here to talk. We fell asleep. Accidentally, That's it."

"In the same bed," I added, attempting to help.

Annabeth glared at me, "Not helping!"

"We'd better..." Frank pointed to the elevator doors. "Uh, we're supposed to meet for breakfast. Would explain what you did-I mean didn't do? I mean . . . I really don't want that
Hedgehog- I mean coach --to kill me."

"We'll be right out," Annabeth sighed," And nothing happened! Stop gawking."

"I'm not gawking," Frank defended.

"Yes, you are. The same way you gawk every time you see Hazel," Annabeth said, a victorious smile as Frank backed down, leaving us behind after making us promise to arrive for breakfast in a while.

"You better go, hop in the shower,change some clothes and go down to breakfast," Annabeth turned to face me.

"," I nodded, looking away from her. How was she so perfect looking even after waking up? I probably looked like a zombie.

"Thanks, for-" Annabeth cut me off.

"Don't say thanks," Annabeth placed her hand on my shoulder, my skin tingling where she touched.

"Now go, seaweed brain," she pushed me lightly, her gray eyes shining wth amusement, "Unless you want me to tell you about Saytrs''

"I actually wouldn't mind," I grinned as she pushed me out of the room, tossing me my bedsheet/ blanket before I left.

I had a cold shower, quickly freshening up. My room was a mess already, with the crumpled sheets and my belongings everywhere. Annabeth would kill me if she ever came up here.

Half of my Heart   /A percabeth fanfiction/Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu