77 friday the wedding

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I can't believe I'm getting married today I'm super nervous my mom has been asking so many questions last night it drove me insane.

Gemma decided to sleep with me last night since I'm extremely freaked out about today.

My mom and Anne decided to sleep together they bonded over the shit my dad did to both of them unfortunately.

I randomly woke up shaking slightly I wasn't cold I was just extremely anxious I carefully got out of bed and walked out of the room and closed the door.

I took a deep breath and headed into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into me and Gemma room and climbed into bed and got comfortable.

I looked out the window and took a deep breath so I could calm myself down so I could go back to sleep for the night.

After I finally got calm I closed my eyes and started breathing slowly and fell back asleep for the night.

A couple of hours later my mom and Anne woke up and used the restroom then they woke everyone else up.

Anne turned on our lights and I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Gemma also woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into a different bathroom.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee.

My mom smiled and gave me a hug and kissed my head and said I can't believe your getting married today.

My step sis gave me a hug and said are you excited to get married I smiled and said yea I'm extremely nervous about it.

An hour later the hair and makeup team came over and we all jammed out to music while we got ready for the wedding.

After we were finished getting ready we all took pictures and the hair and makeup team left and we all finished getting ready for the wedding.

I started to get slightly more anxious by the second my mom gave me a hug and helped to try and calm me down.

I said I need a shot every one started laughing and I rolled my eyes and continued laughing and gave my mom a hug.

A little while later the guys left and headed to the church so they can wait on is.

An hour later we all left and headed to the church I was not excited about my dad walking me down the aisle.

I bit my lip while we were walking inside the church it was absolutely beautiful we all went into a room and waited.

An hour and a half later the bridesmaids walked down the aisle my dad held my arm and kissed my head and said you ready Abby.

I bit my lip and felt my heart race and said as ready as ever my dad squeezed my arm and said it's ok hun we got this.

A little while later the music started playing and the pastor said ALL RISE FOR THE BRIDE.

Everyone stood up and looked at me and I saw Harry  in his suit and I instantly smiled.

The music started playing and me and my dad walked with our arms linked together down the aisle.

I  looked at my dad and he wiped his eyes and I smiled and shook my head and continued walking.

Andy said wow abby you are absolutely gorgeous and I blushed and said thanks.

The music stopped playing and I handed lucy my flowers the pastor said you may now sit down.

Everyone sat down and the music stopped playing the pastor said WHO IS GIVING THIS LOVELY BRIDE AWAY.

My dad said I am the pastor smiled and said good and I grabbed Harry's  hand and he helped me on the alter.

Harry smiled and grabbed both of my hands my dad smiled and sat down in a seat.


Me and Harry looked around and no one raised their hands thank God I smiled and looked at Harry and he smiled and said I love you Abby.

I smiled and said I love you more Harry  and he smiled and bit his lip and looked at the pastor.


I  smiled and started giggling and Harry shook his head the pastor said THEY DIDN'T WRITE VOWS SO WE NEED THE RINGS.

Harry said actually I wrote vows I said oh the pastor said continue Harry cleared his throat and grabbed a piece of paper.

Harry  started reading what was on the paper and I bit my lip in anticipation to know.


Dear abby ever since me and my ex broke up I didn't want to fall in love again.

I  always told myself I would be alone and no one would want me.

I  didn't want to fall in love because I was scared of getting hurt and I didn't want to get my heart shattered all over again.

But ever since we met at my house and when I first met you something inside of me said it's you and I didn't understand it at the time.

When I'm with you I feel complete and when I'm not I feel empty and sad and lonely.

I want you to know I wanna spend every day with you I promise to love you to cherish you and take the best damn care of you love Harry.

I wiped my eyes and said Harry and he smiled and said I love you Abby.

I smiled and said I love you more Harry the pastor said the rings now a kid walked up with the rings.

Harry put his ring on my finger the pastor said Abby  repeat after me.

I said ok I will and took a deep breath so I wouldn't freak out Harry squeezed my hands lightly and smiled.

The pastor said abby repeat these words ok I said ok.

The Pastor said I abby take you harry to be your lawfully wedded wife for good and bad rich and for poor and sickness and in health.

I put the ring on Harry's finger and smiled he said Mrs. Styles smiled and said Mr. Styles.


Harry leaned down and cupped my cheeks and kissed me and everyone started cheering and clapping.

Harry pulled back and smiled and said we did it I smiled and said yes we did it.

Lucy gave me my flowers and me and harry walked down the aisle smiling together and holding hands.

Harry  opened the door and walked down steps and walked over to the limousine and we got into the limousine and drove away. 

Harry smiled and said I love you more abby and he smiled and kissed my head.

A little while later we got to the Venu and everyone was waiting for us.

Harry hung out with his friends and I hung out with my friends we all laughed and jammed out to music together.

Me and lacey started dancing to our favorite songs and my friends started joining in and we all laughed together.

Harry his friends were all watching us as well but we didn't care.

A little while later I threw the bouquet and nat caught it and we all started laughing together.

Harry  grabbed a chair and grabbed my garter with his teeth and he also licked my thigh and I blushed slightly.

I made me get slightly wet and I felt him blow on my core I was wearing lacey black underwear.

His friend caught the garter and they all started laughing together me and Harry  tried a little piece of cake together.

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