A couple minutes later our teacher passed out worksheets I helped Harry on his and I smiled while helping him. He whispered don't talk to Andy I said why he said just don't I said um ok. I said so how did you get here he said I drove I said oh ok cool he smiled and said yeap. We all continued working on our school work after we finished Harry turned them all in. Andy turned around and winked at me I laughed and shook my head and said oh my goodness you are crazy and we all started laughing together. Harry sat down and I immediately stopped laughing and looked down. A little while later our teacher stood at the board and started talking and told us too pay attention. She said we were all having a quiz tomorrow and we all sighed while she was teaching Harry slipped his hand on my thigh I felt my breath hitch slightly. I bit my lip he started rubbing his rhumb against my thigh and his hand felt extremely warm I continued working Harry moved his hand up further and I quickly moved his hand and he laughed slightly and I shook my head. After the teacher was finished with her lesson she sat down and said we could all talk quietly. Andy turned around after we all put our stuff up Harry rested his hand on face and looked at us. Andy said ok so weekend plans how is this working I said I'm gonna talk to my parents Lacey said oh me too. Harry said um our parents are going out this weekend I said ok what about Gemma he said she's going to a friend's house. I said um ok he said and I don't want to be home alone I said but I haven't been to a sleepover in a long time. Harry sighed and I said dude come on please he said ugh ok whatever fine have fun. I rolled my eyes and said whatever Lacey said hey its ok maybe next weekend I sighed and said I will see she said if not its ok. Andy said yea I agree it's fine I said no its fine I just want to go out Andy said ugh yea I bet. Lacey said well we could all do something this weekend if you can't sleep over I said yea I guess your right about that. Andy sighed and looked at me and said we will figure something out Abby just don't fret and he picked my nose and I laughed and scrunched my nose. A little while later the bell rung and we all got up and headed out the door to our next class we all sat down in our seats. A couple of girls walked up to Harry and started flirting with him I rolled my eyes and sat in my seat. Andy said hey ladies they said ew emo freak shut up and started laughing. Andy looked upset I said bitch under my breath and she scoffed and said excuse me I said oh sorry I'm sick get away cough cough and they all rolled their eyes and walked away I rolled my eyes and scoffed. Andy started laughing and said yo that was amazing and I smiled and said no they are annoying anyways. The rest of the day went by slow except for Harry teasing me sexually I kept wanting to slam his face against the desk the whole time. A little while later school finally ended I got up and Andy hoisted me up and I squealed and started laughing we all walked out of the school building and Andy put me down a couple of seconds later. Me and Harry got in his car after we told them goodbye. Harry locked the car and groaned while we buckled up I said hey whats wrong. Harry angrily sighed and said nothing babe I rolled my eyes and scoffed Harry started driving out of the parking lot. I said what is your issue Harry yelled MY FUCKING ISSUE IS HOW CLOSE YOU AND ANDY ARE GETTING. I said OH MY GOD ARE YOU JEALOUS he said NO IM NOT FUCKING JEALOUS IM JUST SCARED IM GONNA LOOSE YOU WHEN I LEAVE AND GO ON TOUR. I laughed and said OH MY GOD IM NOT GONNA FUCL HIM WHILE YOUR GONE he said OH SO YOU WERE PLANNING ON FUCKING HIM WHILE I WAS GONE. I said OH MY GOD NO I FUCKING LOVE YOU AND I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT. The reast of the car ride was completely silent I hated it my chest was aching the whole time. We got home a little while later and my dad wasn't home we got inside and changed and plugged our phones in and used the restroom and went into the kitchen. Anne and Gemma fixed a plate and sat down and so did me and Harry. My dad came home and also made food and sat down with all of us. Dinner was weird I said so you and my dad are going out for the weekend Anne smiled and said yea and Gemma is going to a friend's house. I said well can I go to Laceys house this weekend my dad said I don't think it's a good idea since we are leaving I sighed and said oh ok and continued eating. Harry stayed quiet the whole time Anne said Harold how was your day and he groaned and said good she said your sure. Harry sighed and said yes mom it was good she said ok I looked at Harry and he looked up at me and rolled his eyes and continued eating. After I ate I quickly put my dishes up and used the restroom and brushed my teeth and went into my room. I quickly picked out my clothes and put them up I chilled on my phone for a while then I ended up falling asleep for the night.

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