68 Wednesday

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched I heard a weird noise and said what the fuck.

I looked up and noticed the TV was still on I turned it off and grabbed my phone.

I checked my notifications then got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then I went back into the room.

Lacey was still completely knocked out and snoring lightly and it made me smile.

I climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later the sun was shining bright through the curtain.

Lacey woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom.

Lacey closed the door and brushed her hair and teeth and also used the restroom then came back into the room.

I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and sighed and got out of bed.

I went into the bathroom and closed the door and used the restroom then went back into the room.

I said lacey what do you wanna do today she said um I don't know what about you.

I smiled and said tattoos she smiled and said ok cool me and Lilly looked up different tattoo shops in Florida.

A little while later we found one and called the guy and he said they had an opening and we booked it.

A couple minutes later me and lacey quickly got ready and changed and sprayed some body spray on.

A little while later me and lacey walked out of our hotel room and walked down the hallway and walked towards the elevator.

I said are you excited lacey she smiled and said uh hell yea I smiled and said me too.

Lacey said maybe we can go to Walmart and get a after tattoo kit I said yea sure.

A couple minutes later me and lacey walked out of the hotel and got into our car and locked it.

Me and lacey buckled up and I put in the address and she turned on the car and started driving out of the parking lot.

I rolled down the window and turned on the radio it was an extremely beautiful day and I smiled and looked out of the window.

The guy seemed really sweet on the phone I helped lacey with the directions we quickly got gas and continued driving.

A little while later we got to the place and rolled up the windows and lowered the radio.

The place was extremely cool me and lacey got out and locked the car and headed into the place.

I smiled and said woah they had a bunch of tattoo designs on the wall and me and lacey walked over to the register.

A really tall buff guy with a bunch of tattoos and jet black hair and bright blue eyes walked out.

We said woah he was extremely hot we smiled and he said hello ladies how may I help you.

I said um I spoke to a guy on the phone he smiled and said yea me my name is Kyle.

I said hi he said you must be Abby I smiled and said he said hi nice to meet you Abby and.

Lacey she smiled and shook his hand he smiled and said follow me ladies and he winked at us.

I said lacey he's hot she smiled and said oh yea and he laughed and we followed him into a room.

Kyle said what can I do for you guys we said we wanna get a tattoo he smiled and said ok show me what you want.


 Kyle smiled and said oh Abby I love that idea I can easily do that and he immediately started sketching the design

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Kyle smiled and said oh Abby I love that idea I can easily do that and he immediately started sketching the design.

Lacey was still looking for her tattoo idea I sat in the chair and talked to Kyle he was extremely funny and also chilled back.

Kyle laughed and said actually we were supposed to be closed today I said oh my God I'm sooo sorry.

Kyle laughed and said no its fine I was wanting to do a couple tattoos today since I don't have anything else to do.

I said yea sounds about right I said me and my friend lacey actually are out of school for a week.

Kyle said no way cool and I said we were having a sleep over and snuck out and went on a roadtrip.

Kyle said oh we have a couple of bad asses me and lacey started laughing and said oh yea definitely.

A couple minutes later Kyle finished sketching my tattoo and put it on my arm.

Lacey was still looking for her design but also laughing with me and Kyle he said I can give u guys my card when u leave.

I smiled and said aw thanks I appreciate it he said no of course if you guys need anything let me know.

I said my parents got divorced when I was 16 and my dad was very mentally and verbally abusive.

Kyle said wow what the fuck I said he also cheated on my mom countless times and treated the whole family like shit.

Kyle said that's extremely fucked up I said he also treated me like shit and now he's an alcoholic but I moved in with him.

Kyle said now Abby why would you do that I said I don't know because my step brother is Harry styles.

Kyle started laughing and said ah your a huge directioner I said oh my God yes of course.

Kyle said Abby can I give you some advice I smiled and said sure he said are you truly happy living with your dad.

I said well he said no you shouldn't live there only because of Harry.

I said yea I know but my mom got remarried and my step siblings are fucking crazy.

Kyle laughed and said I bet a little while later he finished my tattoo and cleaned it up.

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