It is finally the weekend and test day unfortunately. I spent all night studying for all of my tests. Anne came in my room and turned on the lights and said Abby its time to get up I yawned and stretched.

Ludo jumped off the bed and ran out of my room and she closed my door and walked away. I sighed and said ughh I can't wait to fucking graduate high school. I forced myself out of bed and yawned and walked out of my room and went to the bathroom and closed the door.

I yawned and brushed my hair and teeth and also used it. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room and changed for the day I quickly packed my bag and put my shoes on.

I grabbed my phone and bag and headed out of my room and into the kitchen Gemma was eating breakfast. Anne got her keys and purse and we walked out of the house. She quickly locked the front door and unlocked her car.

We both got in and she locked it and we both buckled up and Anne turned on the car. A couple minutes later we left the neighborhood she said you are going to pass all of your tests. I smiled and said thanks I just really miss Harry. She said yea I know trust me I do as well.

I said so you aren't mad that we are dating. Anne smiled and said no he seems so much more happy since you came along. I smiled and said really she said yea I kinda thought you guys would make a cute couple I just didn't want to say anything.

I said so you hoped that we would get together she smiled widely and said yea I did. I started smiling and bit my lip and looked out of the window. Me and Anne continued talking on the way to school. I gave her a hug and said bye she smiled and said bye. I got out of the car and headed into school Andy immediately wrapped his arm around my waist.

We all got in class a couple minutes later and sat down I yawned and said this is gonna be a long day. Andy and Lacey both said yep isn't that the truth. A little while later our teacher passed out our test and sat back down at her desk and told us to start.

I get anxious when I have to take test Andy kissed my shoulder and whispered relax babe and I did. I took my test and started thinking of Harry and it made me smile the whole time while doing my test.

A little while later I finished my test and handed it to my teacher and sat back down in my seat. I waited for everyone else to finish their test. A little while later everyone finished the test our teacher was grading them. I said I really hope I passed it Lacey and Andy said uh yea us too.

A couple hours later school was over I hope I passed all of my test. I had a slight anxiety attack in math class on the test but Andy calmed me down. We all walked out of school holding hands and swaying them. I smiled widely while thinking of Harry I felt my heart race and my breath hitched in my throat.

I started getting flashbacks to me and Harry doing literally anything together. I remembered when we took him to the airport that hurt a lot I remember how his lips felt against mine. I just miss him so much and so does Ludo I really want to give Harry a hug.

A couple minutes later I got into the car with Anne. I said hey I hope I pass the test she smiled and said I'm sure you did. I smiled the whole way home and listened to Alkaline Trio on my phone. Andy is obsessed with them they are actually really good.

A little while later we finally got home my dad was also home. Gemma and my dad were in the kitchen cooking. I went into my room Ludo followed me and jumped on my bed. I changed and plugged my phone in and sprayed some body spray on.

I went to the bathroom and Ludo sat on the floor and watched me and I laughed. I went into the kitchen and sat at the table Ludo jumped on the couch and layed down. A little while later we all ate dinner and talked about our day I just really miss Harry. I sat in his seat I looked at the door and wished he would just come in.

After we ate we all watched movies together in the living room. Ludo fell asleep on my lap Harry finally texted me so I obviously texted him. I bit my lip and smiled like crazy I got tired and went into his room. Ludo followed me and jumped on the bed and layed down. I climbed into his bed and smiled because it smelt like him and I felt warm and safe so I ended up falling asleep.

my step brotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora