82 Saturday

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Unfortunately we were not able to find mu dad anywhere yesterday and we all started to get more anxious.

Anne decided to call the police when we got home and file a missing person report and we gave them our testaments an everything else they needed.

Lucy and Andy are coming over to help us look for my dad as well but I feel like we aren't going to be able to find him.

A couple of hours later we all woke up and did our bathroom routine then we headed into the kitchen together.

A little while later Lucy and Andy came over and spent time with us since we were all shook up still.

We all cooked breakfast and tried to cheer each other up which didn't really help.

I kept looking at the door and hoping my dad would barge in a drunken state but he never did.

I felt my heart shatter I said did he really mean it because he stopped telling me he loves me and that he's proud of me.

Harry kissed my shoulder and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer and said they are gonna find him Abby.

Thirty minutes later we all started eating breakfast and talked about random shit and laughed together.

We ended up cleaning around the house and doing laundry to help distract ourselves from my dad being missing.

A couple of hours later we all stayed in the living room for the rest of the day.

Suddenly someone started banging on the door I jumped up and ran towards the door and opened it.

An officer was standing at the door and said Ms. Morgan I'm sorry to inform you we found your dad's body in a car accident and we found a bunch of alcohol.

Every one walked over to the door Harry said is he dead the officer said he has been dead for a couple of days now.

My knees went weak and I dropped to the floor and started crying anne and Gemma started crying as well.

After the officer left we all stayed in front of the door huddled together and we were all a crying mess.

I said I had a gut feeling he was dead but I didn't want to believe it Harry kissed my head and said I know Abby its difficult.

An hour later we all got up and sat down on the couch and continued grieving over my dad.

A little while later we all ate dinner and talked about funeral plans and we continued crying.

I told my mom and brother and they were all shocked when they found out the news.

We stayed up all night trying to figure out funeral arrangements I said let's just cremate him.

Anne said we can do that sounds a lot better I sighed and said yea a hell of a lot cheaper as well.

At around 2 am we all decided to go to sleep because we were extremely exhausted from how crazy our day has been.

my step brotherحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن