UGHHHHH I did not want to fucking get up today. Anne came in my room and turned on my lights and said it's time to get up. I groaned fuckkkk and she closed the door and walked away I was extremely comfy in my bed. I sighed and said hmmm I don't want to get up. Harry came in my room and said get up babe I said I don't wannnaaa he laughed and said you have to get your lazy ass up. I laughed and said ughh fine Harry opened my closet and picked out some clothes. I forced myself to get up literally fell on the floor Harry dropped my clothes and ran over to me I said oww the fuxk. Harry helped me up and I had a bump on my head I took medicine and used the restroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used it then went back into my room. I yawned and stretched and forced myself to get ready and sprayed some body spray on. I grabbed my bag and put my shoes on and then grabbed my  phone and closed my door and went into the living room. Harry went to the bathroom and came back in the living I said oh my God I can drive myself to school they said are you sure I said yea I went into my room and grabbed my wallet and keys and walked into the living room. I gave everyone a hug and walked out of the house and closed the door. I unlocked my car and hopped in and locked the door I put in the address and buckled up and turned on the car and started driving out of the driveway. A couple minutes later I drove out of the neighborhood and I was jamming out to music it felt weird driving by myself because I liked Harry's company. Oh well I got to school and parked and got out of my car I locked it and started walking to the building. Lucy and Andy said you can drive I said yea lmaoo they said cool us too I smiled and said cool and we all walked inside of school and headed to our classroom. We all walked into class and sat down at our seats Lucy was like our principal is hot and blushed I said holy shit right and laughed Andy said oh my God such girls and we started laughing together. My teacher said Abby Mr. Addams in his office immediately my face changed every one said ohhhhh your in trouble my teacher said every one quiet now. Lucy said what happened I said I don't know I got up and grabbed a hall pass my teacher said don't worry I will write everything you missed I said thank you she smiled and said of course. I walked out of the room and closed the door and started walking to the principles office. I knocked on his door he had bright blue eyes and jet black hair and a nose piercing and a couple tattoos aka like super hot. He said come in I smiled and closed the door and sat down I said you needed me Mr. Addams he smiled and holy shit it was gorgeous. He said I was looking at your transcript and grades and your really smart I smiled and said thanks. I said I have a question he said sure what is it and he leaned forward and Slightly flexed his muscles. I said are you married he laughed and said actually no girls don't want a guy like me my eyes went wide and I said uh the fuxk. He laughed and shook his head and said hey watch the language but he also laughed he said I know. I said wow I'm mean your like extremely gorgeous and I said oh my bad and closed my mouth he laughed and said well do you have a boyfriend Ms. Morgan. I said no I can't get or keep one and looked down he said woww I would kill to have a girl like you I looked up and said really he said uh huh. I said well I have a lot of issues he said well who doesn't I smiled and said yea your right he smiled and said alright I will you go back to class. I got up and walked over to the door he said I will make sure no guy dates you I said why and turned around he said I don't want anyone else to have you before I do. I smiled and said ok and walked out the door and back to class. I thought holy shit what is happening what am I going to tell Harry wait no I can't Nothing is going on between us we literally just met and I started laughing. I wasn't paying attention and I tripped on a step and fell backwards and hit my head. The next thing I know Mr. Addams is by my side he took off my hall pass and went grab my stuff and brought me downstairs and called the ambulance. The next thing I know I wake up in a hospital bed I said what the fuck Harry was beside me and said oh my God are you ok. I laughed and said yea Anne said I called your dad but he didn't care I said ha typical and Harry laughed as well. I said that fuckin hurted and Anne laughed as well Gemma said what happened. I said I was going back to my class after leaving the principles office and I guess I wasn't paying attention and fell down the stairs. Anne said principles office I said no he said I was a really smart student and had good grades she said oh ok good I'm happy I said yea me too. A little while later my dad said hey honey Anne told me what happened I laughed and he laughed as well and said clumsy I said yea Harry stood beside me the whole time. A little while later the doctors came in and said well Ms Morgan your tests look good and you do not have brain damage but you do have a sprang ankle I said ugh great. They said so be careful for a while I said ok and I got discharged from the hospital. Harry helped me to bed and I used the restroom and he tucked me in I smiled and said thanks. Harry kissed me and said good night love you Abby I smiled and said love you too Harry. He walked out of my room and closed the door and went to bed I ate before I layed down.

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