Cynthia said as she did a little happy dance. She's crazy. "If you flirt with her Nikolai, I swear I will deny you my kisses and hugs for a week." His eyes widen in shock, mhm I hit him there. He loves to cuddle me for hours, and he says he isn't clingy.

"I won't flirt with her malyshka." Although I'm confident in Nikolai being loyal, a part of me is always scared he realized he can have a girl in his status. "You're perfect, I'm yours forever da?" He always knows the exact words to calm my racing thoughts. Graduation is in two days I'm going to miss the chocolate chips out of him.

"Da" I responded. "Alright let's go!" We all get up and head outside. Everyone was singing along to the music with the windows all the way rolled down. I love moments like these, when everybody is vibing and the warm air hitting your face. When we arrive we shut down the lights to the car and turn the music off. You can practically feel the energetic energy from Cynthia.

"Cutting her cameras right now, Nikolai I suggest you head on over. Here are your guys ear mics, they're not noticeable " Dimitri says as he hands us our mics. Nikolai looks over to me and kisses me gently. I'm totally blushing, he exists the car and makes a gun figure with his two fingers and pretends to shoot himself. We see him knock on the door and Vanessa answers.

"Got sick of your little bitch?" We hear her say. Me and Cynthia's jaw drop in shock. "The nerve she has, wait till she blows up" I muttered under my breath. "How about we keep this our little secret? Can I come in?" Nikolai says and I try not to let it bother me. We see him enter the house. "they're in the living room, girls there's a door through the back. Alek start pouring the gasoline." Dimitri says and we all get to our tasks.

"Can you guys hear us, Nikolai clear your throat if you do" we hear him clear his throat and Aleksandr gives us an answer. "Nikolai if you so much as kiss her I will chop your dick off." Aleksandr says I second that.

Me and Cynthia successfully enter through the back door. "Ok girls head up through the stairs on your left, then take a right. Her room is in pink." We do as we're told.

"So, your girl, since when did you settle for less Nikolai. I mean come on you and me always made sense. You liked me when we're younger. Hell our parents practically wanted us to marry each other." I hear her say and I freeze in my spot.

"Holy shit." Aleksandr says through the mic. Cynthia looks at me with wide eyes. I start walking to her room and We start pouring gasoline everywhere. I don't know how to feel about this new information.

"Yea well people change, and you got desperate." I scoff and then me and Cynthia slowly headed to the kitchen, she did whatever she was doing while I kept watch. "I'm done every perimeter of the house is soaked in gasoline." Aleksandr says.

We start heading out and head to the car we were just waiting for Nikolai to get out. "Come here babes, give me kiss and stop playing hard to get." I lean towards Dimitri who's watching the cameras. She got on his lap and I felt my heart drop. He said he wouldn't let anything happen. She was going in for his neck and he angled his neck so she can have more access.

"I'm going to make you forget she ever existed Nik." I hear her whisper in his ear piece. I take mine off and and slam Dimitri's computer closed. I couldn't see that nor did I want to hear it. The rest of the group looked at me while they take their ear pieces off. Before I knew it the house blew up.

No, no. "Fuck!" I get out of the car, Nikolai was still inside. "Omg, no. Nikolai! Nikolaiii!" I start running towards the house but got held back tears were streaming down my face. He's gone, he was still inside. "Let me Go ALEKSANDR!" I make him drop to his knees and I just cry while staring at the house burning up to flames. "He's okay, he's not hurt. He's okay. he's okay.he's okay." I say nonstop, while Aleksandr rocks me in his embrace.

Delilah MorecelliDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora