In all this situation, he had completely forgotten about Aiden as well as Aly's personality. They don't like when people mess with their families. And Blue knew he was a part of it now.

If they got to know what Ash had done, they would probably kill him, or worse ruin his life, family. But what did Ash's grandma do in all this? He can't let anything happen to her. She will die if something happens to Ash.

No, Blue can't do this. But he also knew Aiden and Aly are too smart. He has to think properly before speaking.

"I had a nightmare about the party." There, he knew it was the most convincing answer he could give. A sob left his mouth when he realised he had actually for the first time lied to both of them.

"Oh baby." Aiden said pulling Blue into his arms. While Aly cried out looking down feeling guilty. This was her fault, because of her Blue was crying in his sleep.

"P-please don't cry Al, it wasn't your fault." Blue tried he really did but Aly kept crying and then she even started mumbling apologies for something she hadn't even done.

"Aly Ray one more voice out of your mouth I swear to god!" Blue scolded Aly who hiccuped and looked up at him with big vulnerable eyes.

"W-what what will you do?" Aly hiccuped while Aiden rubbed a hand over her back silently enjoying the banter. He missed this even those it had just been a day.

"I will not kiss you for a week!" Blue said making Aly gasp but then she smirked making him frown.

"Fine I will kiss you then." She said making Blue groan and glare at her but still wiping her tears with his hands.

"No I won't let anyone of you kiss me!" Blue declared and now Aiden looked at Blue with wide eyes.

"What? This is not fair! What did I do?" Aiden whined like a kid pulling Blue towards himself. He tried to kiss Blue but Blue actually moved away and didn't let him.

"You literally kidnapped me from my house!" Blue said pointing a finger at Aiden who smirked at his answer and kissed his finger making him pull it back.

"So what? You are my boyfriend, I can have you all to myself if I want. By the way do you know what I do with people I kidnap?" Aiden said leaning over Blue's frame who leaned backwards. All of them were still sitting on the big couch which could be even called a bed.

"Do you t-think am s-scared? What d-do you do?" Blue stuttered making Aiden as well as Aly smirk. They both looked at each and then back at Blue who gulped seeing their mischievous faces.


"Wait Noooooo!"

Suddenly both of them started tickling him making him squeal out loudly and then he started laughing while trying to move away from them. Even Agnes licked his face making him feel betrayed by all of them.

Aly and Aiden smiled seeing Blue laughing without a care in the world. Only they know what they can do for this laugh.

From the morning all they did was worry and worry thinking about the possible reasons that could make Blue cry like that, but nothing came into their minds. At last they decided to ask Blue himself.

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