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azalea montez |

A TEENAGE DEREK SAT WITH HIS MOM ON HIS BALCONY CONNECTED TO HIS BEDROOM. he held his head down in shame from losing control of his wolf and taking off in the woods. he knew how hard it was to control the wolf inside him at a young age. his body was more fragile to the overwhelming strength of the beast. when he gave in to his wolf, he loved the feeling it brought him. it was exhilarating, powering, and incredibly to have such strength no one else had. but when he kept himself tapped into his human side, he hated he got stuck with the wolf gene. he wanted to be normal.

"i–i'm sorry, mom." he mumbled quietly in shame, keeping his eyes locked on the trees surrounding his home. he couldn't bring himself to look at his mom.

"it's okay honey, sometimes it gets hard for us to be in control. even i lose control at some points, but it's all about how to manage it and keep yourself grounded." she reassured him, rubbing the back of his shoulder soothingly. "start looking at it like this is a gift instead of a curse."

he frowned, "i don't get why some of us got the gene and others in the family didn't."

"i know. some things cannot be explained. all we can do is learn to make it okay and not be angry about it." her words making him look over at her briefly. "everything happens for a reason, derek. they don't happen for nothing, they happen because it's something you need."

"i don't think i need to be a werewolf." he mumbled angrily.

she chuckled lightly, "maybe that isn't the thing you need. maybe what you need is from the things being a werewolf can bring you."

"you mean the endless fear of being killed by hunters? living with a constant target on my back because of who i am?" he questioned letting his clouded stubbornness get in the way from hearing his mom's advice. little did he know he important these words were.

"no, derek. that's not it at all. there's way more to being a werewolf than you think. it may be hard for you to see it right now but when you're older, you will. right now all i can do is teach you how to control yourself and guide you to find an anchor." she told him, continuing to push him into seeing a new perspective on everything.

"i feel like my wolf punishes me for trying to stay in control." he sighed fully looking over at his mom.

"your wolf doesn't just punish you for fun or because you're in control. sometimes your wolf just wants you to listen to what it needs or wants. you gotta find the balance in being in complete control but also tending to the animal inside you."

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