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Azalea Montez |

TO SAY AZALEA DIDN'T SLEEP LAST NIGHT WOULD BE AN UNDERSTATEMENT. She kept tossing and turning all night, unable to fully fall asleep. She was also incredibly cold and the only time when she did fall asleep, she was engulfed by a nightmare. It was weird for her since the last few nights she slept perfectly okay. Now all of a sudden she was insanely restless and unable to sleep. She was irritated to say the least.

The sun was barely peeking over the horizon, telling her it was only dawn. And because of how late the girls went to sleep, she figured they would be waking up much later. She didn't want to be stuck here with nothing to do either. So she decided to explore the community and find a spot to watch the sunrise.

She quietly exited the house, beginning to walk along the sidewalk. She saw a few people who appeared to be dressed in work clothes getting ready to leave for their jobs. Knowing she must've looked horrendous, she tossed her hair into a quick bun, pushing any short strands of hair behind her ear. She kept her head down, hoping to avoid anyone she didn't know.

After a few more minutes of walking, she saw she was at the North end of the community. She quickly stopped in her tracks when she saw Derek leaving his house, dressed in black track pants and a dark grey v-neck shirt. She cursed herself for finding such an effortless look to be utterly attractive on him. After the soft moment between them the previous night, she found herself easily letting her guard down.

When he looked over in her direction, his stoic gaze turned into a concerned one upon seeing her out this early. She was afraid he would get angry at her for leaving and lock her up like Rapunzal again. The concerned gaze he had told her otherwise unless he was masking it very well. He was very hard to read. It was almost like he was a new person every day.

"Are you okay? Why are you out here so early?" He wasted no time questioning her, his tone quiet and soft. His warm hands grasped her cold ones, making his wolf growl in worry at her cold temperatures.

She looked shocked for a split second, "I'm okay. I–I just couldn't sleep at all. And I wanted to see the sunrise." She told him, her body instantly warming at his physical touch. She didn't understand why she suddenly warmed up the moment he touched her. But she didn't think too much of it, as it was quite chilly this early in the morning.

"Why don't you go inside and get some more sleep. I can see how exhausted you are." He told her, frowning at the light circles under her eyes.

She allowed him to lead her inside his house, a strange wave of comfort and security engulfing her. She wasn't supposed to be feeling this way for someone who practically kidnapped her. She was supposed to hate him yet her body and heart were screaming at her otherwise.

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