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Derek Hale |

LOW DEMEANING GROWLS LEFT DEREK AS HE SPRINTED THROUGH THE DARK FOREST. The heavy steps of his large wolf paws left imprints in the soft soil. He continued to growl and snarl, his vision blurred with blazing red as he continued running. He was angry. Furious. How dare The Council force someone, whom he did not know, to be the Luna of his pack. It was not fair to him and it was certainly not fair Azalea. He wasn't sure how she would feel about this. Or how she would react. To him, it felt like he would be cheating on her in a way. The thought of it alone, the thought of having to be near another woman, made him sick to his stomach. No one else would ever be important to him. Only Azalea.

He snarled wickedly, quickening his pace as he dashed past the trees. He thought going on a run would help clear his mind, and rid him from the frustration he was feeling. Although he felt somewhat better, the anger was still lingering inside him. But most of all he was worried. He hoped it wouldn't hurt him and Azalea's relationship.

He somehow made his way to the open field he once brought Azalea to. He stood tall on his large paws, his fur blowing in the direction of the cold breeze. His eyes glowed as they looked at the half formed moon above him, casting down a soft light in the night.

It was hard for him to understand why everything was crashing down on him the way it was. How did he go from having a somewhat peaceful life and only having to worry about his pack and community, to finding his mate then going to war over the threat of the rogues and Gerard then to having someone that's not his mate be Luna to his pack? None of it made any sense to him. He wished none of this happened, all he wished was he could go back in time to when he first met Azalea. Maybe they wouldn't be in this position. Everything happens for a reason. But what was the reason to this? He needed to know for his own sanity.

He kept telling himself this was only temporary. Especially since that's what the Council told him. They told him it was only until Azalea finished college and then she would take over the Luna spot. It was only a year away but still, so much could happen in a year.

By the time he made it back home, Azalea was already fast asleep in bed. She was hugging his pillow against her as she slept peacefully and Derek's heart warmed at the sight. He hadn't seen her since this morning after the meeting with the Council. He meant to find her right after but he got overwhelmed with arguing to not have some random girl take the Luna spot. They wouldn't go back on their decision so Derek was stuck.

"My love." He whispered as he caressed her cheek ever so lightly and pushed her hair behind her ear. "I don't ever want anything to destroy us. I need us forever." He whispered again.

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