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Azalea Montez |

THREE DAYS HAVE GONE BY AND AZALEA WAS LOSING HER MIND. She had been kept under Derek's watch, unable to leave his sight. The only places she had gone to was the pack house, whose real purpose is still kept from her, to see David and Jamie. There had been many attempts of her trying to get them to tell her the truth but received nothing. All she got was they weren't allowed to tell her anything and to have Derek tell her in time. When she first hung out with them after the incident, she was angry at them for sticking up for Derek. It wasn't until Jamie had gotten her to calm down and gave her insight on her being safest here. Despite knowing the huge secret being kept from her, she was strongly relying on David and Jamie.

She had also gotten to see Victoria. Christian got the chance to tell her that he and Victoria went out together and definitely hit it off. This resulted in Victoria staying over a night where she got to see her. The only problem was she couldn't tell her best friend the truth of what was happening. Mostly because Derek had eyes on her at all times. She so desperately wanted to go home but if she did, Derek would most definitely find her. Until she could come up with a better plan, she was stuck here.

A positive thing to all this was she was still keeping up with her school work. It didn't surprise her when Derek had 'connections' to push all her work to online for the time being. From what he told her it was until he could trust she wouldn't take off from him. She hated how fooled she was when she first met Derek. He was so charming and nice. But to her, that was all a facade to hide his such dark side.

"Boo!" David's loud voice in Azalea's ear cause her to gasp and jump, holding her chest to calm her pounding heart. He laughed at her shocked face, plopping down beside her on the sofa in the pack house living room. "You should've seen your face!"

She rolled her eyes, "You suck!"

"And swallow but I don't like being open about that stuff." He joked, wanting a disgusted look from her making him laughed even harder.

"Where's Derek?" She asked, turning back to her laptop to finish writing a research paper for one of her classes. "He's been gone all day. I'm surprised he hasn't come to check on me once."

It was no secret to anyone that Derek's mate was finally here. No one except for David, Jamie, and Christian knew of the situation. Well, his other pack members were aware of the attack. Just not in full detail of Derek practically kidnapping her and keeping her here. No one needed to know that. Though it was clear Derek was too intent on checking in on Azalea as often as he could. So it was strange to her when he hadn't come to check on her at all today.

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