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Derek Hale |

SURPRISING TO SAY DEREK WAS BEGINNING TO RETHINK HIS DECISION ON TELLING AZALEA THE TRUTH. Not knowing how she would react was making him quite anxious, something he hadn't dealt with in a while. He kept telling himself to tell her the truth so she could understand why he did what he did. It seemed like the smartest choice. Especially so she wouldn't hate him anymore. But not exactly knowing what she would think of being mated to him made him uneasy. He didn't want to be the only werewolf without his mate.

All he ever wanted for what seemed like the longest time was to come across his mate. To meet them. To be with them and love them with such a strong, powerful love that can never be broken. Now he has met her, he just wants her by his side. He wants to come home to her every night, wants to care for her and love her. Wants to wake up next to her in the morning and share sweet moments with her. The stupid beast inside him made him lose control of himself and he just had to scare her. His stupid wolf made her hate him and want nothing to do with him.

None of this was fair. Mates were meant to be together the moment they meet. Even werewolf and human mates, they would still feel the bond. They would still crave to be near their mate, yearning for them. Needing to be in the safety of their mate. It killed Derek for this to be happening to him. He couldn't have anything easy. Everything was always hard on him. He thought meeting his mate would bring him happiness and peace. It didn't help with each passing day, there still wasn't any progress between them. Today, he hoped that would change.

He was sitting in his office in the pack house, waiting for Azalea to arrive with Victoria and Christian. He figured if she had the two of them with her when he told her the truth, she would be more comfortable. Silently he was praying for everything to turn out okay. Having her fear him and hate him even more couldn't happen. He wouldn't allow it. She was his mate for crying out loud. Already were they supposed to be together and look how all this turned out for him.

As the minutes passed the more anxious he became. He needed this to work. Because if it didn't, he didn't know what he would do. The only thing he could do was to explain, calmly, to her what she was to him. What she meant to him. Why he acted out the way he did, because he wasn't in control of himself. His inner wolf took control to protect her.

When she entered the room with Victoria and Christian, his heartbeat sky rocketed making Christian give him a reassuring look. It was fairly obvious that Azalea tried to avoid looking at him while the three took a seat in the chairs scattered around a small round table off to the side of the room.

"This is going to be hard to believe but you just need to trust me, okay?" Victoria was the first to break the awkward silence, glancing at Azalea who sat leaned back with crossed arms.

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