⛓Chapter 67⛓

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Kurapika and Neon circled around the room meeting other members of the mafia and trying to make as many good impressions as possible, they had a few awkward moments when Neon would say something wrong by accident trying to make a joke but it wouldn't land and the person would try and laugh it off, it was extremely awkward. They had their arms hooked around one other and tried to seem as in love as possible, well, Kurapika had to seem in love, it was uncomfortable and odd for him but he still pulled through. He needed more people of the mafia on his side so none of them would try and overthrow him, he needed people like Ten who would join him.

Although, he was focusing on the mission he gave himself, he couldn't stop himself from looking around and trying to find Y/N, she had completely vanished from his line of sight, the last he saw her was when she was talking to Vanessa.

Y/N watched as the man she fooled around with was acting like he was happily in a relationship with the girl that was attached to him, she couldn't help but feel infuriated, she wanted to grab Neon and snap her neck for even being in the same proximity as Kurapika but she wouldn't let him off the hook either, she felt like walking up to him and grabbing a chunk full of his hair and pulling it out his scalp. Y/N knew that he didn't want to be in the position he's in, it was obvious by the anxious aura he was emitting but that didn't help settle her burning jealousy. She didn't like the fact that Neon could flaunt her fake relationship while Y/N couldn't flaunt her real one, it made her want to tear the younger to shreds, it simply wasn't fair, just because she was the daughter of the man Kurapika works for he has to please her needs and put his aside.

It just made her think how long she could endure this for, having to keep a secret relationship just because of a snobby, spoiled rich girl. It wouldn't take her long to get annoyed and snap at both of them.

He probably doesn't even know am pissed off, that's how fucking dense that bastard is, I bet if he was in my shoes he'd already be sending me death glares

Just then she got an idea.

How would he like it if it was the other way around? It's not right that he can run around while she's sitting all angry and lonely, might as well use this as practice for her Hypnobond.

Y/N stood up, pushed her hair behind her and walked to the bar, if there's one place where men love to approach girls, it's there. She sat down on a stool and waited, with the outfit she was wearing she knew it wouldn't take long, and it didn't, because someone already sat down next to her. And it was none other than the guy that was the first to speak when Kurapika introduced her.

"I feel like we got off the wrong foot, I apologise if I came on too personal"Y/N faked a smile and forced out a giggle, the man was stunned, he didn't expect her poker face to change expression so quickly.

"Not at all, Y/N"She gave her hand out for him to shake.

"Aiko"He shook her hand. "How come you came with Mr Nostade? Not to be rude or anything but the invitation said no plus ones"

"I got a separate invite, I've met the big boss before"He raised his eyebrows.

"You must have really caught his interest"She shrugged. "You've certainly caught mine"

"Can't say it's much different over here Aiko"He chuckled. "What's so funny?"

"Hard to believe someone like you came here alone"

"I don't have to leave alone though"Her acrylic nail lifted his chin, his eyes catching sight of her cleavage.

"It's like you can read my mind"His hand caught hers, Y/N felt someone staring, she already knew who was sending her glares from across the room.

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