⛓Chapter 34⛓

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Y/N was running around in her room, scurrying around trying to find things with half her makeup and hair done.

"Calm down" Kurapika watched her, he stood in the doorway.

"How?! Am running late and everyone is already there!! I can't find my dress! I can't find my heels! My hair isn't even done...and my makeup.."Y/N's voice cracked.

Kurapika was about to go comfort her when he stopped midway at her new outburst.

"If only I didn't listen to you this morning! I would have been somewhat ready by now!"Kurapika sweat dropped at her.

Y/N found her dress, she started to take off the pyjama shirt Kurapika gave her, completely forgetting about him being there, his eyes widened as he quickly turned his head, a blush covering his cheeks.

He waited before he saw her racing around the room again with the dress on, he sighed in relief.

Yep, she's losing her mind

"I'll find the heels later"She whispered to herself and sat down at the vanity, she bit done on her thumb as she tried to figure out how she's going to be there on time.

Kurapika walked up behind her and grabbed the brush and the straightener.

"I'm not an expert but I saw you do the other half"Kurapika started to straighten her hair.

"Thank you blondie"She smiled at him through the reflection as he simply nodded.

Y/N quickly finished her makeup.

"Finally"She whispered to herself, she looked at Kurapika through the mirror and saw him doing the last strand. "Who knew you had a talent"

"Funny"Kurapika finished the hair and placed the wand on the desk.

Y/N stood up and flipped the hair to the front, she turned around and looked at Kurapika, she placed a hand on his shoulder as she cleared her throat.

"Might as well tell you now..."Y/N took a deep breath. "Blondie, you are extremely attractive, actually the most attractive man I've ever seen so, by the time I come back I want to see a woman by your side that you love, understand?...or man depending if you're-"

Kurapika slapped her behind the head as she giggled.

"Okay not gay, but still, even though I hate you, I want to see you happy"

"Same goes to you idiot"Y/N smiled at their banter.

"Y/N! We found your heels!"Eliza came in with Neon by her side, she looked between the two.

"Oh, thanks"Y/N walked over to Eliza and slipped the heels on. "Okay time to dash"

They walked down the steps, Kurapika's friends were already waiting at the door ready to see Y/N off.

"Look at all this attention"Y/N stood next to the door with her arms crossed, Gon hugged her waist.

"Have fun"He grinned, Y/N ruffled his hair, she turned to Killua who had his hands in his pocket.

She and Killua shook hands as Leorio attacked her and Gon with a hug.

"Don't have too much fun"He gave her a squeeze.

Y/N gave Melody a short hug, Basho grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"I'll be waiting for your arrival"He winked as he let go of her hand.

Y/N turned to Kurapika.

"See ya"She said as he nodded at her, she looked into his eyes and saw his desire to give her one last hug before she leaves, she laughed lightly. "You tsundere"She pulled him into a hug as he hugged her back.

"Good luck"He whispered.

"Right back at ya"Y/N ran her fingers through his hair as a car beeped outside. "That must be Beans"She broke their hug and opened the door.

She waved goodbye one more time as they all waved, she got into the car.

"How's the job been?"Beans asked as he turned the car around and drove.

"Pleasantly surprising, I've made some good friends for the future"

They watched as the car was out of their sight.

"How does it feel?"Leorio asked Kurapika, who looked at him in confusion.


"To see her leave, does it hurt?"Kurapika shook his head.

"It feels exactly the same as when we left for our separate ways after the Hunter Exam"Leorio chuckled.

Stop Pretending  (Kurapika X Fem! Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz