⛓Chapter 54⛓

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Basho squeezed Leorio's arm as his eyes widened, it really was like a TV show, the crazy drama, the urge to want to know what happens next. It was thrilling and exciting, especially when the drama is right in front of you.

"No? But I thought you said-"Haru started but Y/N cut him off.

"I may have a date but I'll cancel, it's not like it matters anyway, he's just some guy I met"Haru felt his heart start racing again, just the thought of them hanging out together made all his senses go into overdrive.

"So can I ever take you out?"Y/N nodded.

"Just not this week, I want to recover first"His enthusiasm made her crack a small smile.

"Of course! Take all the time you need! Your health is way more important"Kurapika grit his teeth. "See ya later! I..have some stuff I need to do!"Haru ran off.

"Why you-!"Melody took hold of Y/N's collar.

"Sorry! Sorry!"Y/N put her arms up in defence.

"Sorry won't cut it! What the heck was that?!"Melody shook her, Kurapika watched with curiosity.

What's going on?

And what's this new side of Melody?

"I felt bad, okay!"

"Felt bad?! But you don't feel bad when you kill people mercilessly?!"

"Hey! It's my job! And they're the bad guys and you know it!"

Melody let go of Y/N and dragged her to the Kitchen.

"You know you're making it worse right? When he finds out you did it out of pity he's going to throw you aside!"

"So what?! At least I'll be rid of him!"

"How about we cut to the chase already?! Don't you want 'him' to confess?!"

"Of course I do! But not at the cost of other people!"

"Oh please! Cut the feelings act! You love seeing people at their worst and you know it!"

"That's because it's fun to watch but if we're talking about pussies how about you confess?!"Melody blushed at the realisation, she shook Y/N violently who grinned mischievously.

"At least we've had more progress!"

"In where?! The 16th century?! I could fuck him any night I want, what's your big accomplishment? Be afraid of death as a Hunter?!"

"At least he shows affection!"Y/N crossed her arms.

"Bitch, we both get the same amount of affection from both of them, both of them combined couldn't even muster up a romantic relationship"Y/N mumbled the last part.

"That's true, they're both pathetic when it comes to love"Y/N nodded.

"Anyway, it's kind of a good thing I did that, blondie will get jealous of Haru again and then boom we got one big confession"

"Are you dumb? No, now he thinks you don't like anyone, what makes you think he's lined up for a rejection"Y/N clicked her fingers.

"Rats! You're right, what should I do?"Melody shrugged.

"You're on your own for this one"Y/N closed her eyes and thought.

Thinking and digging for any ideas that could benefit her but not hurt Haru but low and behold, she was drawing a black. Nothing logical was coming to mind.

Is it impossible? Should I just give up?

"You know Melody, I have a perfectly good guy who likes me and wants to be with me but am chasing a guy who's almost running away from me, am I being stupid?"

"No...of course not, I-uh...I mean the most widest decision would be to go to the guy who's putting in an effort and stop wasting your time but..you love Kurapika right?"Y/N shook her head.

"Of course not, I like him, he's my crush but I don't love him, he has a lot of trauma and a lot of issues but despite all that he finds it in himself to be respectful, polite and just amazing, I like him for being that person, the person am used to but I don't know him as a whole there's still a whole different version of blondie I haven't discovered yet and I don't know if I'll like that part enough to fall in love with him as a whole, I don't even know if we'll compliment each other and what's worse is that what if we date but we're just another high school couple who break up after a week or a month?"

Melody raised her eyebrows, she was stunned, she didn't expect all of Y/N's worries to come crashing out like that.

"Wow...alright, I don't know if this will help but, when Kurapika figures out what he feels you both can find a conclusion, you're both smart people, you'll be able to work through differences together and find compromises. I can't guarantee anything but I think you two are good for each other, maybe a bit too good, it's like you were born just to take care of him"Y/N chuckled.

"Yeah, your right"

"So, who do you choose?"Melody put her hands on her hips.

"We'll see, it'll be like an experiment, whoever makes me fall to my knees gets my heart as a reward, what do you say?"Y/N smiled.

"Interesting, I like it!"They both shook hands. "Pleasure working with you Miss Y/N"

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Melody"

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