⛓Chapter 50⛓

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Y/N pushed and shoved through the groups of esteemed mafia royals, she looked up and stood on her tiptoes to get a better look at the stage, the eyes weren't there anymore.

He must have given one of his men the orders

How's it going?

Y/N talked to Hiroshi telepathically.

The rest are getting delivered here from a different location, my lady

Y/N put her hands on her hips, wondering what she should do in the meantime. She pulled her phone out from her bra and scrolled through her contacts, she tapped on Palm's contact. She sat down on a chair and picked up a cup and poured in vodka.

As the phone rang, she put her phone between her ear and shoulder.

"Hi Best friend"

"Hi Best friend, why'd you call?"

"Well, I figured you probably got back from your mission so I called"

"You wanna hang out? Am in your area"

"Nah, bitch don't bother, am on a mission with blondie"Y/N rocked the cup around and around in her hand, watching as the beverage swirled into a tornado.

"What the hell? I thought it was a secretary job"

"Same, as soon as this is over am heading over to yours, the amount of things I need to tell you"Y/N huffed. "You'll be shocked bitch"

"I got news for you too girlie, you wouldn't believe it!"Palm squealed. "Anyway, why the fuck did you call if you're on a mission?"

"Am bored, am waiting for some creep to get me some stuff"Palm hummed.

"By the way, I got a present for you from my mission, you better have one for me too, you have no excuse you've been around the country for 3 months"

"No worries babes, I got one, I knew you'd be asking"

They continued to chat to pass the time.

They're at the room, my lady

"Palm I have to go, see you in a few hours best friend"

"Bye Best friend"

Y/N once again pushed through the crowds and rushed around the residence. She finally got to the room and saw Hiroshi standing outside with his arms behind his back.

"How'd it go?"He bowed.

"Just as you intended, they didn't suspect a thing"Y/N nodded, she twisted the door knob and opened the door.

A grey metal cart sat in the middle of the room, six pairs of scarlet eyes laid upon it, staring at her with their terrifying glow. Seeing them up close gave her a new perspective, this time she felt saddened.

The disturbing story behind them and the depressed survivor whose life mission is to give them justice and reclaim their last memory of them.

Y/N could only imagine what it must be like to be in the position of one of his clan members, the frustration they must feel from seeing their body parts being passed around and being auctioned like they're some dirty toy that only serves to satisfy the greedy and disgusting needs of others.

"Don't fret, I'm giving you to the person who should be of possession of you"She bowed before the eyes. "Rest in peace"She whispered, closed her eyes and paid respects to the late Kurta members.

She walked towards them.

"Please forgive me"She slammed her thumb against the cart, blood started to once again pour out from her cut.

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