⛓Chapter 57⛓

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Today would be classed as Y/N's most annoying day.

Ever since she got her promotion a few months back, work has piled up more and more. She has almost no time to herself or to hang out with her friends, as soon as she's done helping Kurapika with the Scarlet eyes and has done her share of the work, she has to clock out early and run to the HQ for hour long meetings on criminals, sit in her office and choose which criminals to track down first, then go on missions she assigned herself and the missions Netero gives her.

Y/N chugged down the energy drink and looked down at the pictures in front of her.

So many ugly people...

Y/N rubbed her sleep deprived eye and scanned through all of their new incidents.


Stealing from a museum

And trying to break into the HQ.

Y/N huffed, she put her face in her hands and let her eyes rest.

When Y/N goes to track down and kill criminals it's always a worry between her and Kurapika.

How long will it take? Another few months? A couple of weeks? Not to mention the impact her wallet already has from that auction.

Her work wasn't the only thing that kept piling up, she was constantly on edge about everything, her worries skyrocketing about getting everything right.

She needs to push through so she can get a paycheck.

Knock, Knock

The door knob twists and the door opens, it was Netero.

"Oh, you don't look too well"Netero closed the door behind him. "I like what you've done with the place, very...dark?"Y/N's aura filled up the whole room, it was dark and depressing, no one dared to go check on her.

"I know, am scaring coworkers, I apologise"Netero shook his head and went up to the young Hunter, he patted her head.

"Take a break, you've been working nonstop, a girl from your other job has called me and informed me about how you're not taking care of yourself"Y/N shrugged, she put her hands down.

"I have no other choice, I need to work, am running out of money...I mean I spent a billion yen, that's so much that went down the drain, all my savings just...poof!"The Chairman chuckled.

"I'll lend you some money if you need some so badly"Y/N shook her head. "It's okay to ask for help, maybe you need an assistant?"Y/N shook her head again.

"Nah, I don't want to worry people with this stuff, it's too dangerous, if they fuck it up it all falls on me"Netero thought for a second, in all the years he's raised the little girl, he always fell into a hole trying to solve some of her problems.

For example, when she was very little, Netero saw her struggling to build a Lego set, he waited and waited but she never asked for help. It was obvious she wanted to ask, every time he passed her, she opened her mouth to ask but she closed it and went back to trying.

Eventually, Netero sat down in front of her and asked her and after a few minutes of plain silence she said yes and they built it together.

Do I have to wait until it wears her out?

"I never understand why you're so stubborn, ever since you were a little girl you've been hard to convince"Y/N cracked a smile. "But my little girl is all grown up now"He ruffled her hair.

"Grandpa"Netero laughed, she hasn't changed a bit in his eyes, she was still the same Y/N who would run into his arms at thunderstorms.

"It's not like am ruining anything, have you looked in the mirror yet?"Y/N rolled her eyes, Netero picked up the three papers in front of her and piled them together, he put them in her drawer.

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