⛓Chapter 1⛓

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It was another day for Kurapika, hastily surfacing the internet for any sightings of the Phantom Troupe.

A few weeks ago he had a nightmare that spooked him to rush himself and everyone around him even more into finding anything they could to track down the band of criminals.

Poor Kurapika had enough on his plate already, being in charge of the Nostrade Business and trying to find new recruits wasn't the easiest thing he's done.

Let's just say it was more than mere stress.

"Kurapika!"He heard the voice of his dear friend enter the office, at first he was confused about how Leorio got inside but figured one of the maids must have opened the door for him.

Leorio opens the door and frowns, the cheerful smile he had before opening the door deflated at the sight in front of him.

Kurapika was sitting in the centre of his bed, slouched over his laptop with some of the worst eye bags Leorio has ever seen him wear.

He was surrounded by papers in multiple piles, and cans of energy drinks were scattered on the floor with a plastic bag in the corner.

Leorio sighed heavily.

"Kurapika you can't be serious"Leorio closed the door behind him and walked closer to the sleep-deprived man.

"I don't know what you're talking about"The blond responded.

"You ignorant shit"Leorio picked up some of the papers from the bed. "You need some serious help Kurapika, you can't go on like this"

"I don't need help, I'm fine by myself"For some reason, this ticked off Leorio.

"You bastard look around you! You look like you're being preyed on by these dead trees! Get yourself together man!"Leorio threw the documents into Kurapika's face.

No response.

Leorio folded in failure, another attempt completely flopped.

There has to be a way to get him to chill and stop worrying...but what?..

Then it hit him, Gon and Killua might know what to do! Those two always think outside the box, they might be able to come up with exactly what Kurapika needs!

Kurapika's phone started ringing, stopping both of their trains of thought.

"Hello"Kurapika answered in a groggy voice "Yeah I'll look into it as soon as I can...sorry we don't sell those sorts of products here anymore...Goodbye"Kurapika closed his eyes for a few seconds and breathed in and out.

"You can't hide the fact that even you don't know how to handle all this"Leorio shoved some files to the side and sat down on the bed.

"Well, what do you advice I do?"Kurapika started to rub his temples out of frustration.

"Ask for help"

"You know I can't do that"

"And why not? You would start having some time to yourself, nothing is more manly than self-care "Leorio patted Kurapika's shoulder.

"Leorio I can't trust anyone enough"Kurapika sighed.

"What's the worst that could happen?"

"They could accidentally write something that might jeopardise the whole business, if that happens that just adds more work"

Fuck the shithead is right.

"Okay you might have a point, but what about Melody or those other people you got working for ya, can't they help?"Kurapika shakes his head.

"I already signed them with important roles"Leorio started to scatter his brain for some ideas.

Come on man! Think! Think! Think!

"Just give it up, I appreciate the thought but no Leorio"Kurapika got back to writing on his laptop.

Leorio bit his bottom lip, the idea of Gon and Killua resurfaced as a grin appeared on his face.

He stood up and walked towards the door with a little dance.

"Don't you do anything behind my back Leorio"

With no answer to the statement, he opens the door and slams it shut.

Kurapika pressed his lips together in annoyance and shook his head at his friend.

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