⛓Chapter 31⛓

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Leorio, Gon and Killua came back to the mansion the next day, Leorio was forced into driving the 2 tweens, they were now set on catching Kurapika and Y/N in their moment.

The 2 boys sneak inside as Leorio looked at them in confusion.

"What are you two doing?"He set a hand on his hip.

"We are doing to catch Y/N and Kurapika in the act!"Leorio shook his head.

"You idiots!...you thought you could just spy on them?..you have to do more than that!"Now it was their turn to look at him in confusion.

"You're going to help us?"Gon asked as Leorio nodded his head.

"You're not the only one who's seen Kurapika acting different, I'm the reason they danced in the first place"Gon looked at him in amazement as Leorio puffed his chest in pride.

"So what do you plan on doing?"

"We make Kurapika jealous"Killua grinned at the idea.

They open the door to Kurapika's study expecting to see the same old Kurapika working hard but instead they were met with silence and an empty chair.

They move to check his room but see his bed untouched, they checked the kitchen, the bathroom, the attic, everywhere they could think off but couldn't find the blond haired man.

"Yo Melody!"Killua yelled as Melody slipped her head through the doors of the mansion.

"Anything I can help you with?"

"Where's Kurapika?"Killua yelled as Melody shrugged her shoulders.

"He left carrying Y/N to her room last night"Melody said as she went back outside.

Gon, Killua and Leorio:

They speed up to Y/N's room and they argued about who would open the door first, Gon shoved himself between the two boys and knocked

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They speed up to Y/N's room and they argued about who would open the door first, Gon shoved himself between the two boys and knocked.

They waited for a response but nothing came back, Gon opens the door wide, his face turning pale from shock.

"No way!"Killua whisper-yelled.

All that was seen was Kurapika's head poking out the blanket, the 3 tiptoed to the bed and took a closer look.

They gasped in shock.

Y/N's head was cuddled up to Kurapika's chest, Leorio took a closer look and noticed mascara tear marks, Killua ripped off the blanket. Their legs were tangled together and Kurapika was holding onto her while still sleeping.

"A friend my ass! He-"Leorio put his hand over Killua's hand.

"Look, she was crying"Leorio pointed to her tear stained cheeks, Gon started to frown.

"She must have told Kurapika what was bothering her, I guess he stayed until she fell asleep"Killua scratched his chin like an old man.

"Only couples do that"

"Friends do that too dumbass"Leorio slapped him on the back of his head, he pulled the covers back up to them. "Let them sleep, they both had a long night"

"Let the couple sleep in for 5 min-"Leorio kicked Killua out of the room.

Y/N fluttered open her eyes but closed them again due to the bright sun coming through her window.

She slowly opened them again and saw what she was facing, she looked up as she immediately pulled away from Kurapika causing him to stir, Kurapika pulled her back and pulled her closer to him as he fell asleep again with his chin on top of her head.

Y/N blushed intensely.

What happened last night

It all started to come back to her, she cried and basically self harmed and Kurapika comforted her.

Fuck I was still tipsy after I woke up! I completely embarrassed myself!

She carefully tried to pull his arms away from her torso but he wouldn't budge, she didn't want to wake him up so she waited until he woke up.

Soon enough Kurapika started to wake up and when he was met with a Y/N who was humming to herself he quickly detached himself from her.

"Morning blondie"Y/N looked at Kurapika and sat up, he stared as the memories flooded in.

Y/N was still awake and she started shivering from the cold so he got her into bed but she didn't want him to leave so he eventually fell asleep with her.

Kurapika blushed as he placed a hand over his mouth.

"I reacted like that too"Y/N chuckled "Thank you for...comforting me last night"She looked at the bed.

"No..problem"Y/N looked over to the vanity.

"Blondie...I need to ask you a question but don't you dare lie to me!" Kurapika hums in okay "H-How do I look right now?"She turned her head towards Kurapika.

"You look like yourself"

"No you idiot! Do I look ugly?"Kurapika shook his head. "Do I have mascara stains on my face?"Kurapika nods as she puts her face in her hands. "This can't be happening.."She whispered to herself.

Today just keeps getting more embarrassing! When will this suffering end!

I'll never understand what goes on in her head

Y/N stood up and hopped over to the vanity as Kurapika watched her in curiosity, she sat down and looked at herself.

"You liar! I look horrible!"She scurried through the drawers trying to find the spare makeup and makeup remover that she brought into the mansion.

"L/N you're overreacting" Kurapika said as he watched her take cotton pads and makeup remover and rub off the makeup.

Soon she was left with her natural face and Kurapika couldn't have been more fascinated.

"Awww, my eyes are all puffy"She leans into the mirror to get a closer look.

"L/N"Y/N nodded "Why do you wear makeup?"Y/N stopped what she was doing and thought for a second.

How to explain this to a man

"I guess I like the way it makes me feel, I feel like a better version of me when I put it on"Kurapika furrowed his eyebrows.

"Are you insecure?"

"Who isn't? I just add makeup to cover everything up but even if I wasn't I would still wear it, it's fun to use and play around with"Kurapika got out of bed and walked up behind her, making eye contact in the mirror.

"Y-You look better without it"Kurapika said getting flustered. "Can you not wear any today?"Y/N looked at him in surprise.

That was the last thing she expected to come out of his mouth.

"Errr"Y/N gulped as she placed the beauty blender down at the desk "Sureee"She said unsure of herself.

"Let's get you bandaged"Kurapika switched the topic as he went to look for bandages.

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