⛓Chapter 32⛓

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"You know you don't have to carry me around like this right?"Y/N was held by Kurapika as he walked down the stairs.

"And risk you undoing your stitches? I don't think so"Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Am I not heavy?"

"L/N, you weigh more then a cow"Y/N playfully hit him on the shoulder.

They were both changed out of their outfits from last night, Kurapika wore his everyday suit and Y/N wore PJs that Kurapika gave her to borrow. He helped her bandage the wounds from last night and of course, she had to bandage the areas where he...couldn't touch.

Kurapika was so persistent on Y/N letting loose that he didn't even let her brush out her hair.

When Y/N looked in her reflection she gave herself a dirty look while Kurapika was captivated, he liked her natural look, it made him feel like there wasn't something between them anymore.

"Stop staring creep"Y/N crossed her arms and looked away.

"I can't help it, this is the first time I've seen you without makeup"Kurapika finally reached the bottom step.

He stopped and watched as his friends sat on the couch eating and laughing.

"What are they doing here?"Y/N asked, Kurapika shrugged as he approached his friends.

"Morning love birds!"Killua threw a piece of chocolate in his mouth, Kurapika and Y/N ignored the comment.

"Who's clothes are those?"Gon asked.

"His"Y/N said as Killua and Leorio shared a look.

"He gave her his clothes"Leorio nudged as Kurapika sighed at his friends' antics.

"What are you guys doing here?" Kurapika asked, Killua grabbed Leorio's shoulder and pulled him towards him.

After he was done whispering Leorio blushed and hit Killua before standing up and walking over to the two.

"Ummm Kurapika, my best bud, old fellow, pal-"

"Just get on with it"

"I was thinking of me taking take care of Y/N today instead of you"Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at Leorio and shook her head in what.

"Huh? Why the sudden want?"Y/N asked, Leorio coughed and scratched behind his neck.

"I wanted to get to know you better...and since you and Kurapika aren't together I thought we could..hit it off?"The two deadpanned at the 20 year old.

"Hit it off?"Y/N asked.


"Me and you?"



"No friends?"Nod

"No this thing"She pointed towards Kurapika as Leorio smiled "Suuurrreee"

I can't believe these two

Kurapika dropped Y/N in Leorio's hands as Y/N grabbed onto him for dear life and glared at her previous carrier.

"Hey! What gives?!"Killua and Gon whispered to each other with smirks as they stood up.

"You guys are so cute together!"Gon said

"They look really good together as well"

"Well I do like brunettes"Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck as Leorio blushed, Kurapika raised an eyebrow at the girl.

One day you're saying am the most handsome guy you've ever seen and the next you're implying someone is more attractive

"Look at him"Killua hit Gon in excitement.

"What's wrong Kurapika?"Gon asked.

"Nothing" Kurapika said darkly as he walked off to his study.

"Maybe a bit too far?"Killua winced.

"You tried to make him jealous?"Leorio nodded. "Well it certainly worked, he's pissed off, just a few minutes ago he was making a joke and now he's angry"

"He likes you"Leorio said as Y/N looked at him and then back at Kurapika.

"No...I think he just was separation issues"They nodded alongside her as they watch him walk into his study.

"He has a lot of issues"Leorio said as the 3 nodded.

It stayed quiet for a moment as they thought of what to do.

"Let's watch a movie!"Gon said as Leorio and Killua agreed.

"I have work to do"

"You're still a patient that's recovering"Y/N shrugged.

They laughed as they watched the movie, the more they laughed the more Kurapika got disturbed, by the time it hit the afternoon Basho joined them and then Melody, making the noise become 10x worse.

Just as Kurapika was about to go and tell them off a phone started to ring in his pocket, he took out the phone and it looked to be Y/N's.

The contact said 👨‍👧

What the fuck kind of person must this be? A single dad? Her dad?

He answered the call and brought the phone to his ear.

"Hello? Y/N?"That was Netero's voice

"She's downstairs right now? Do you want me to get her-"

"No need child, you can tell her"

"Okay then"

"She will be hosting the first phase so I need her to come this week to prepare and next week for the exam"

"Wait, wait, wait..are we talking about the Hunter Exam?"


"Since when is she hosting it?"

"That's what yesterday's meeting was about, she got chosen as the first examiner...might give the kids too much of a scare though"Netero chuckled through the phone.

"She can't walk on her foot so I don't think she can go"

"Tell her to heal herself"

"Heal? She can heal?"

"Yes that's part of her nen ability, she can control- ahhhh, I see what's going on here, she hasn't told you her nen ability!" Kurapika sighed.


"Some advice for you, don't ask about her nen ability"And he hung up

What is that supposed to mean?!

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