⛓Chapter 62⛓

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Y/N spun a kunai dagger around her finger, with crossed legs, she leaned her head on her fist as she sat against a tree.

In front of her were human corpses piled on top of each other, she had successfully completed her mission, there was just one downfall.

She's out of energy and can't heal her eye, she had a slash against her left eye and it was cut open with fresh blood still dripping from it. She sighed as she went on to spin the dagger, waiting for backup to come and clean up after her.


Y/N was now in her hotel room, she rubbed the towel in her hair, she had just gotten out of the shower, had a robe around her naked body and was walking into her room from the bathroom.

She looked in the mirror and touched her eye, it had bandages and stitches. The nurses told her to wait until the next morning for her nen to be back in full shape, which meant to not heal her eye or she'll go through a short period of time where she'll be too exhausted to even move.

For fucks sake

Ring Ring

Y/N picked up her phone from her bed, it was Kurapika, she looked at her phone in surprise.

Now you call?



"Can I see your face?"Y/N tapped on the FaceTime feature, Kurapika was in bed, it was dark but she could figure out that he had a nightmare, she propped the phone against a pillow as she sat down.

"What happened to your eye?!"His voice rang.

"I'll be fine, it's no big deal, I'll heal it tomorrow"She said while drying her hair with the towel.

"Why weren't you careful?! What if it leaves a scar?!"Y/N shrugged. "L/N you're seriously hurt"

"Princess, am not worried about if it leaves a scar, if anything it'll make me look cooler"Kurapika sighed in defeat.

"Please be careful"

"I'll be back home tomorrow you can stop worrying, but enough about me, how's it going?"

"I would love to say that it's going well but it's not, Neon came back and she's more demanding than ever, she wants to constantly go on dates and partake in physical contact"

"Do it then, if anything goes beyond your boundaries tell her you are not comfortable"Kurapika shook his head.

"Am not even comfortable in her presence, you...you're the only person I want to do that with"Kurapika hid his face from the camera, Y/N's face burnt red, she turned her head and cleared her throat.

"I found that guy that you wanted me to talk to, he said he won't act on anything"Kurapika nodded.

"Thank you"A small silence fell upon them, he cursed himself for saying it out loud.

"Do you miss me blondie?"She looked back at the screen.

"M-Maybe"Y/N wished he was there, she wanted to tease him until he ran out the room.

"I can't wait for tomorrow, I better not come back to a mess though otherwise, I'll make your business go bankrupt"Kurapika nodded.

"I'll make the maids keep an eye out for Neon and her messes"

"By the way, how come you only called me now? I've been gone for so long and not even a message"Y/N set the towel down and reached for her hair brush.

"I had a dream involving you and I got worried, I wanted to make sure you were safe"

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