⛓Chapter 36⛓

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(Y/N: outfit ⬆️)

Kurapika stared at his phone, stunned.

The phone shook as it started to play a ringtone, Kurapika presses the green icon.

"Hellooo~"Hisoka's voice stroke fear into their hearts. "You might be wondering why I called *chuckle* well, you'll be needing backup on this one dear chain user"

"What do you mean backup?"

"The troupe thought it would be nice and fresh to partner with some other criminal group, they'll be sealing the deal tonight"

"Why are they partnering with a group when they're more than capable on their own?"

"Don't ask me, all I can say is that the criminal group is attracting a certain someone"A licking sound rang along the line. "I'll be joining you..and please do bring GoOoOnn~"

Gon cringed as Killua aimed for the phone in Kurapika's hand, Kurapika quickly pulled the phone away from Killua.

"Also bring Melody, it wouldn't hurt to have a little background music"

"Why do I need backup?"

"Why? *laugh* because this group likes to bring henchmen that are experienced in nen, probably more experienced then you..but not as experienced as me because let's face it, they can never be like me"

Killua rolled his eyes.

"Where are they meeting?"

"At the xxxx, bye now~ DONT FORGET GON"And with that Hisoka hanged up.


Kurapika stood in front of the mirror in his traditional wear, the traced the pattern on his top as a sigh escaped his lips.

Memories of his past flood in as he clenches his fist, with eyes full of hatred and rage they start to change to their sacred red pigment.

I will have my revenge

He leaves his room and walks to the car with his friends, he had some powerful nen users next to him but he worried if they could put up a fight to the hunters Hisoka was talking about.

The gang arrived at the location and saw Hisoka leaning against an old building.

"You brought GoOon~"Hisoka licked his lips as Gon shook in disgust.

"Shut up clown!"Killua pushed Gon behind him.

"Not the chihuahua"Hisoka said with disappointment as Leorio turned to the side, holding back his laugh.

Hisoka looked behind them and saw 5 hunters with them, he observed their aura and hummed.

"Will they be enough?"Kurapika asked as Hisoka shook his head.

"No need to worry though, I called my own back up"Gon and Killua looked at each other.

"Is it illumi?"Hisoka shrugged.

"You'll see soon enough"Hisoka's eyes looked down as he spotted Melody, he patted her head as she gulped in fear. "Play us a nice song while we fight, I don't want to get bored"

"Why are you helping us?"Gon asked with determination in his eyes, pushing back the fear he had.

"A friend of mine will be joining this fight...she had trouble finding one of her targets so she told me if I could help her find him and that after she'll find me some good entertainment"

Just as Leorio was about to say something they saw a truck start to drive in, out jumped a whole squad of dangerous looking criminals, a nice handful of them having missing limbs.

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