More weddings and Christmas!

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Remember Kelly and Joe? We found out they had a really small wedding with just their family and were planning a reception in a few months. They tied the knot so quickly too. After a year of dating, they're engaged and three days later tied the knot in a small ceremony. The reason behind this – both were settled down and both families decided they both needed a good partner and liked each other very much.

 Kelly, Ayesha, Sammy and I had a girls' spa day before the wedding and Kelly spilled her secret – she was expecting! She found out about a month ago but hadn't told a lot of people but her close family and were planning to tell everyone at their reception. I think she'll have a bump by then – it was planned for March back in Montreal. That was one of the days I spent at Nate's palce. We arrived on the 22nd.

The Christmas party will be held at Jake and Ayesha's new place. They're moving in right now but will start living together after marriage. That's a good idea. To have a place to live on your own after marriage. They're hosting Christmas dinner. Jake had been transferred to this area about a month ago from work but he had applied earlier and when they found out he has a job here, they're both living here and not Montreal.

When Sammy's done her studies, her parents are planning to go travelling and are going to rent the house out. That's a good idea. That's how their story goes.

Ayesha's mehndi ceremony was the day after we arrived. We went over to Ayesha's parents' place. The letter N was drawn in the middle of my hand – it was pretty big and I couldn't hide it from Nate. When he saw it, he took my hand and kissed it. That was what we did on the 23rd.

On Christmas Eve, it was a night of fun at their sangeet where there was lots of dancing and singing. The next day we were at Jake and Ayesha's new house– they don't have too much furniture there yet. Jake was drunk. It was too funny. He proclaimed his love in front of everyone to Ayesha and I could tell she was embarrassed. Nate's family drinks quite a bit.

I could tell his dad was swooning when he saw his wife. On the day of Christmas, Sammy, Nate and I put mistletoe all around Jake and Ayesha's place. We went around pointintg it out to people who stood under it.  I met a lot of Ayesha's family and then Nate's. They were all very friendly. We got to dancing and it was hilarious.

The drunk guys were barely able to stand up. Jake had his moves going and finally when he sat down with Ayesha on the couch with Nate and I, he looked tired and within minutes began to snore with his arm draped over her shoulders. She gave us a tiny apologetic smile and pushed his arm away before going to look at the snacks.

We called Mandy and Raj to wish them and they were at their own party. Loud music and good food was all around. This was Christmas! It was nice. I felt homesick but being around such friendly people made me feel fine. I call my parents on holidays and birthdays to wish them. I talked to my parents just this morning and had sent a holiday card to my siblings and cousins by email. This Christmas I wore a hot red strappy dress that met at my knees with a white full sleeved cardigan sweater thing and my Christmas tights which I had bought years ago and never really wore. I paired this outfit with a chain that held a tiny red heart and a pair of diamond like earrings. My charm bracelet and a red friendship bracelet I had from years ago went well with this. I thought it was a bit much with the white coat but almost everyone wore green, red and white today. I went to church with Nate's whole family.

At Jake and Ayesha's, the uncles and aunties danced around after getting a bit drunk. I think after a while, a bunch of Nate's cousins had forced him into drinking some because he grabbed me out of no where and dragged me into the middle of the dancing. It was fun. The kids loved it. The adults were silly. I really enjoyed myself. We ended up leaving at two in the morning. All the presents were loaded in the car.

 When we finally got home, Nate's parents went off to bed, Sammy had gone to clean up her room and before I could follow her, Nate pulled my arm and pinned me to the wall. Nate– "You haven't given me my Christmas present yet." Me – "What are you talking about?" Nate points at his lips. Me – "Right now? I want go to bed." Nate– "Let me get some mistletoe, then you'll have to." He turned to grab it from his bag and I had already left for Sammy's room. By the time he caught up to me I was safely brushing my teeth in her bathroom. He walked in to his room. He sent me a text saying, 'you can't run away for long!' I messaged back with a "watch me".

Right now, he's a bit drunk, not happening today buddy – you need to wash your mouth out with toothpaste and chew on some gum. I'm not going to force a kiss. I let things happen by themselves. There are those times where we do have that secret, long, smoky kisses.

Those are special and I cherish them. They're delicious.

The next morning, the parents and Sammy had gone out shopping as it's boxing day. I don't plan to spend the little money I have on me. It'll just be junk if I take it back. Once we woke up, Nate and I decided to hit the mall ourselves. I did end up buying Juan a cute 2 piece winter hat set and pyjamas and even these cute dress shoes which I hope will fit him. The wedding is in about a week and a half.  The days went by with Nate taking me to his favourite places, remembering old memories. He brought me to his old schools, high school, his first kiss, and the café he loved to go to.

Sammy and her boyfriend brought us to a movie but Sammy was watching us half the time. She was oohing when we held hands or when Nate rubbed his cheek against mine. He's grown a bit of a holiday stubble and it's scratchy when he kisses me. I keep bothering him to shave it but he still hasn't. He will before the wedding though.  I'll pin him down and do it for him if he doesn't. He said he didn't mind that at all about that. 

Love in 30 Days or more: Kate and NateWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu