Moving In

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The next day... it's now the end of August. In another two weeks, I'm back at school with mandy

Nate came by again. I asked Mandy what was up. She said she'll explain later tonight. So after dinner, the four of us were sitting around in the living room. I cuddled up against Nate. It has been so long since we did that. Mandy began by saying that they've just moved into the new house. They aren't going to use the whole place either. They were planning to rent out the rooms in the basement. Nate smiled down at me and they hid it from me all this time. Mandy said she wants me to live at her place because the hostel is really expensive and she has space. I told her I need to talk to my parents and all. She said she already talked to them earlier about it all and said it was up to me.

I was to register with hostel on the third day of classes. It was either that or I stay at Mandy's and pay rent. I demanded to see all of her bills and before I looked at them, I called my mom. She said what Mandy had told me. It was upto me. If I stayed with Mandy, it would be like old times. I can ask her for help if I ever needed it. I would also get to live with my best friend. Okay, it was a lot to acutally register at first. I looked at her bills and asked how much rent she wanted. She was my best friend but I would still pay her no matter what. She gave me an amount of something for each person. I think that was agreeable. I told her that her water and current bills would be doubled. So by my calculations, I think the amount per month is fair. I asked her if she had the forms and permissions ready. She said her real estate agent would bring them the next day. I was shocked. She is so prepared for this – and she wanted this too. My parents would disapprove of that usually but I think Mandy convinced them – we know each other for a while too.

 Then I asked her who would be in the room next door, they said they weren't sure before but there are a few people who have asked and they wanted to save one for me. It was so nice of them. I can't believe it. I pinched myself a few times before I could ask her anymore. She told me to quiet down and listen. She said the other room had been finalized already. I was confused. Raj and her smiled at Nate who jumped in saying "Hi neighbour, nice to meet you!" I can't believe it. I felt excited and nervous. I asked her how my parents agreed to this. They don't know that it's Nate who's beside me. All they know is that they're still getting another person in the room next door. I was shocked. I'll get to see all of n's bad habits. Hehehe – but there was a problem that no one really knew about. How was I supposed to hide my own condition from them if I am living with them?

A few days later, Nate was moving in with his own stuff. His cat lady got married and has another two cats living in the house. He told her about living with friends and she said there were another two students who had asked her for a room but she had to turn them down – I guess it was a win-win on both sides.  So I went to the doctor with Mandy who waited outside. He said I needed to get a blood test. I went back to Mandy and told her I needed to get one and she was worried at first but I told her it was for my thyroid which I'v ehad since in was young. She was okay with that so another halfhour later we were out. The lady took more than two bottles of blood from me. I began to feel a bit faint and she gave me cold water to drink. That night, we all celebrated being young together and having fun! Nate came early from work for once. He took off days for a whole three days to spend time with me. Today he went back and came back by 6:30. I signed the papers from the real estate agent – it was a two year contract. There's just so much happeneing. I had a light brunch after taking blood. So tonight, my headaches and faintness were on full-swing and I needed to go to bed.

 I didn't want to ruin the night but then Nate came and sat beside me and took my hand. It was cold like ice according to him then he puts his hand on my forehead which was burning. He said I have a fever. I told Mandy to stay away – I don't want her to get sick in her own condition. I stood up and was about to walk down the stairs but I lost balance and before I hit the floor, Nate lifted me up and took me to my bed. A cold cloth was put on my forehead. They all wanted to know what was up – I said it must be the fact that I gave blood today for a blood test and I knew that I needed medication for my own condition. The doctor would give them to me as soon as he figures out what's up. They had dinner and Nate brought some down to me and didn't let me feed myself – he fed me plain dosais with some sambar and chutney. It was really sweet of him. Soon Mandy and Raj went to bed after checking up on me. Nate wouldn't leave me alone. I told him to go but he refused to until I went to bed myself. I pretended to sleep and heard him walk out of the room. Soon, I really was asleep. 

Love in 30 Days or more: Kate and NateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang